Submitted by throwrabumblegfjwuai t3_z97mr2 in relationship_advice
A lot of people have told me its a red flag. I just finally asked her why she called off both engagements and she said they either treated her like a trophy or didnt listen enough/try enough.
I have other concerns about potential red flags but these stick out for me the most, we’re both 25 so its weird that shes already been proposed to twice. One of the guys still hits her up (tries to) but she has him blocked on everything.
Altruistic_Passion51 t1_iyfeim9 wrote
How are these red flags? Sounds like she wanted to be respected and not just there for looks. She's 25, maybe she had the mindset that those "lustful" days would end but they didn't do she said no. She also has the dude blocked so again, how is that a red flag?
If you have doubts, the answer is simple: don't propose to her