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k-Unsolicited t1_j28tnao wrote

Did you ask him to get a blood and urine test as well? The typical screening when I go to the OBGYN is not blood and urine so, maybe he thought he was fine.

Also a lot of people have some form of herpes so I don't think that your life is over.

For future reference, I always get tested together and look at results before unprotected sex. Maybe that's something that you could try in the future.


itsokiloveu OP t1_j2939zr wrote

I didn’t ask him to, I told him I was doing it and sadly decided to trust he would, especially considering I spent a total of $2K to visit him and he claims to care deeply for me. The moral of the story is don’t trust anyone ever


k-Unsolicited t1_j293n1x wrote

I don't think it's a matter or trust, I think that it's a lack of communication and expressing your expectations. Had he said that he got a full panel done and he didn't, that would be a trust issue. He never said that he got a full panel so it is a communication on your end and lack of taking control of what people insert into your body. Don't be naive and assume that people will do something that you did not ask them to do

The moral of the story for you would be to communication your expectations.