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ThrowRAtatteredends t1_j6p26lo wrote

He loves playing with the kids. And loves on them. But when he gets in his dark place and everything is my fault. He blames me for having them. And blames his depression on me and his hateful feelings toward them on me. No matter what he did to me. It would never make me hate my kids. He’s done a lot for me. He got me out of a financial hole when we first got together, and has since never let me forget it. And how I’d still be there if it wasn’t for him. And I’ll Be there again without him. Idk how to leave and make sure my kids get what they need too. And ironically my in laws are the best. And would help me with absolutely anything. I can’t take them from their loving grandparents


trishsf t1_j6p51qd wrote

He’s thrown you across the room. He’s hit you. He’s verbally abused you. I’m sorry but there isn’t enough money in the world that makes that acceptable. He’ll pay child support because that’s the law. It’s not okay to raise kids in a household that is EVER violent. If you have a son, he’ll become abusive. If you have a daughter, she’ll end up with one. Ask anyone who was raised around that.