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womp-womp-rats t1_j6ot6x2 wrote

This behavior wouldn’t be acceptable from someone your own age, but at least you might hope he’d grow out of it as he matured. This bum is 43 years old. This is who he is. It only gets worse from here. There’s a reason he’s shacking up with a teenager rather than a woman his own age — or within 20 years of his age. Gross.


13wanderer13 OP t1_j6pghhy wrote

:/ you’re right.. I told myself that I can’t love him for who I want him to be.. and I’m sure if I hadn’t been his roommate I would’ve never been interested in someone like him. He actually lied to me about his age, took like 3 years off of it. I found out because I looked up his public records.. I was floored, I thought it was surely a mistake on the website. It wasn’t.