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matcha-hatcha t1_j6o0ymr wrote

Ask them to clarify their feelings about an LDR. He'll, ask yourself what you think of a long distance relationship. Four months isn't long to date but they have to know that not everyone would wait or do LDR for a third of your entire relationship. They might be in the "cross that bridge when we get to it" mindset, and it just didn't occur to them what comes next for you guys.

It's probably not a bad time to bring up future plans in general. Kids, marriage, travel in general, yadda yadda.


Throwaway88888907 t1_j6o2rc7 wrote

I agree that 4 months isn't very long to date, which is why this has been a bit conflicting for me. 2 months, though, does feel like a big chunk of time. Either way, I want them to do it because it's important for them and would make them happy. I just personally think that big things like this are important to discuss in any relationship. I.E. "Hey, I want to do this thing. I recognize that it's a long time, so I just wanted to touch base with you re how you feel about stuff like this." I guess it just seems a little... haphazard as is. We've also discussed marriage and kids and even a timeline on those things. We haven't talked about travel, though. May be good to talk about at this point!