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chairmanbrando t1_j9cngex wrote

Starlight (or Starlite? I forget how it was spelled) vibes. Loudest place I ever had a meal.


KDRadio1 t1_j9cnzmp wrote

My wife called me old when I started complaining about how loud places were. Turns out it’s intentional! They want you to eat fast and leave so another paying customer can take your place, or you drink more alcohol to compensate.

So no, wifey, it’s not cool…it’s a mildly tortuous room that we spent money in. Lol.


chairmanbrando t1_j9coyo6 wrote

Yeah. We were sampling random 'staurants for dates and Starlight was just... obscene. And it's not like we went at 11 in the evening or anything!


rabit_stroker t1_j9cs1dl wrote

Did you just shorten the word "restaurant"?


chairmanbrando t1_j9cti4z wrote

Yes, I did.


rabit_stroker t1_j9f9ul2 wrote

You can't do that


chairmanbrando t1_j9gaemk wrote

I tried to find a clip of the scene in Independence Day in response to this -- the last line being the relevant bit -- but failed. Text will have to do.

> President: Mr Nimziki, you're fired. *walks away*
> Mr Nimziki: He can't do that.
> Jeff Goldblum's ex-wife: Well, he just, um, did.