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goodsam2 t1_j9f72vz wrote

This is actually what the Virginia is lover's is supposed to mean.

Virginia is for mountain lovers, Virginia is for beach lovers, Virginia is for wine lovers. It runs the gamut.


Colt1911-45 t1_j9g98uh wrote

Thank you. All this time I really did not know that is what the motto stood for. They probably emphasized this when the motto was created, but I just didn't pay attention.


Broke-Mandingo t1_j9h6n2c wrote

I’ve always heard is was about Virginia vs. Loving the court case. The first legal integrated marriage! I could be wrong though


goodsam2 t1_j9hcoxu wrote

It was an ad campaign from like the 1970s.

The loving thing is possible but also loving doesn't really want to associate too much. Like some will mention that we should have a statue about loving and the family keeps saying no.


Broke-Mandingo t1_j9i6as9 wrote

Yeah I looked it up and you are absolutely correct! Thanks for learning me something