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jennbo t1_ja5dnu8 wrote

Yeah, I agree. Y’all haven’t lived in small small towns where kids have nothing to do so they end up in even worse situations than “going to the movies.”

I also don’t like the wholesale removal of certain age groups from general population areas. There’s something a bit dehumanizing about it that rubs me the wrong way. I definitely think that people are entitled to adult-only spaces in certain circumstances, but in general I think a big part of being a human is being in communal experiences and dealing with behavior some of us might find frustrating and figuring out how to most effectively deal with it. I have asked, politely, for kids and teens to stop xyz.

But yeah, 15-16 year olds seeing movies at 8:00 is harmless. There’s still Regal, but Bowtie is the theater most easily accessible by public transportation so it’s gonna be the most difficult for kids and families who live around there. Who aren’t always the wealthiest.