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jeb_hoge t1_ja3ubrk wrote

"Y'all can't manage your kids, then they can't come here!"


Miss_Marna t1_ja3ui0d wrote

Ages ago someone said they got bedbugs from the seating at Bowtie. Between that and this, I'm so thankful for video on demand. However, I do remember being young and hanging out at the mall/movie theater. Where do teens even go these days to hang out and crush on a love interest?


lafleurricky t1_ja3vjwv wrote

I haven’t been to the movies since before covid but this is definitely appealing haha


Charles_Britt t1_ja3wprj wrote

jesus christ man that place really is the worst theater ever


macrob25 t1_ja3x8rh wrote

Genuinely curious as to why they made this rule. Like it had to be something horrendous to throw away such a huge source of revenue...


BowVeganWowWow t1_ja3xvav wrote

Without any real context, it is most likely possible that some dumb kids ruined it for the rest of them.

But as an adult, I'm perfectly ok with this. I will certainly be going to an evening show for Cocaine Bear.


Charles_Britt t1_ja3ymxu wrote

Its so terrible. Im 20 yrs old now but jesus christ there is nowhere. Maybe thats hyperbolic. I go to group rides, parties, etc etc. But the social landscape people my age are facing is sooooooo much more barren than the one our parents were afforded. No wonder we all joke about wanting to kill ourselves. Everywhere we could find community or some kind of spontaneous connection has been churned up into ash and rubel.


Charles_Britt t1_ja3zjdu wrote

I cant help but see art from times past when a social life wasn't something you get if you're insanely lucky, and get super super super depressed and like actually want to kill myself. I thought once I became an adult I'd have this big wide world open full of people to talk to and places to go. Now I'm living on my own in the real world and its nothing but empty sidewalks and tapping your phone to buy cigarettes.


Charles_Britt t1_ja40945 wrote

Again, that's hyperbolic. But it really is so much different. People are so much more hostile and so much less comfortable. Spaces that used to be full of people ready to socialize are now half as populated and everyone is scared of eachother.


Ann2040 t1_ja40cxy wrote

Like seriously I can’t go to a movie with my kid? That’s insane


somethingelseirl t1_ja41wy1 wrote

So... all minors are heathen little punks that shouldn't have the opportunity to go partake in a totally sober, age appropriate activity... because it's annoying for adults? And then they'll wonder why kids start partying and engaging in nefarious activities. Just let em go to the movies.


spintiff t1_ja41ztl wrote

My first thought was sure, can't go by themselves without an adult. Then realized it doesn't mention guardianship at all. What's the legality or reasoning behind this?


spintiff t1_ja42wms wrote

I would understand kids not being able to go in alone but it seems a bit ridiculous to not let them in with a guardian. I go every week. I don't even have kids and I think it's kind of messed up.


[deleted] t1_ja43a58 wrote

Oh no kids can’t go to the theater with shitty projector and sound equipment anymore.


lady_lowercase t1_ja43trn wrote

realistically speaking though, if the folks who consistently patronize the theater have bedbugs, what can the theater do? i'm a mechanical engineer, not a businessperson or investor or financially savvy in any way (nor do i know how to make business decisions)... what i want to ask without a thousand people jumping down my throat is: is this just the cost of doing business in richmond?


hauteharpy t1_ja441wk wrote

I haven't been to Bowtie on AA Blvd in almost ten years but last time I went, I remember thinking that the screens felt really small and not worth the ticket price... have they upgraded since then?


Both-Internal-6970 t1_ja462vk wrote

Bowtie has the smallest screens I've ever seen at a theater, highly recommend regal or amc over them


JosephFinn t1_ja46gzn wrote

Translation: “We don’t want to pay for staff for the rare incident involving children.”


User-NetOfInter t1_ja47558 wrote

Shithead kids getting dumped there by parents causing the actual spenders to not go.

They make maybe $1 per ticket for a kid in profit if all the do is buy a ticket. They make multiples more per adult that has a drink before the movie, ticket, popcorn/snacks etc, and they’re less likely to go if it’s a garbage experience because some shithead kids are being assholes screeching and on their phone.


DustySleeve t1_ja47uwh wrote

Ive been tossing around this idea that yall were raised by post columbine basket cases who, ironically, drove their kids to find their third spaces in tribalistic hate corners of the internet based on inherited identity rather than proximity once iphones became widely accessible. Social bonds are precious and worth defending, but shit goes south fast without a level head around. Social capital is both everything and baseless without a sense of respect and true role models. Troll-y gamers come to mind. Anyway good luck youngn, we're all in this together, its all hands on deck to make it better


Gemni87 t1_ja48apa wrote

A small group of us just went last night to see the new Ant Man movie. We’ve had problems before with adults acting a fool during the movie (i.e. beaming candy at us for no reason). Yesterday we did have a handful of kids/teens there talking throughout the movie & a baby crying for a few mins but nothing ridiculous. Upon entering and leaving the building though, there were about 5+ security guards standing around. We’ve never seen them before and they seemed pretty bored tbh. I hadn’t heard of any shenanigans lately that would prompt that to become a standard, but it maybe a new thing. Based on our experiences, it’s not always the kids that are the problem. But I’m also not going to complain that no kids will be allowed after a certain time.


Opacy t1_ja48z26 wrote

Could be any number of things but I assume it’s something serious like either a large number of fights between kids either in the building or the parking lot or just too many rowdy kids coming in and loudly talking and yelling during movies and the like that staff can’t handle.


erinfoxxyfoxx t1_ja49xh2 wrote

I’m not upset about this policy. It is a stand alone theatre. If it was a theatre attached or near a mall/shopping center, I think it would be a more of a problem.


dreww4546 t1_ja4ar5q wrote

Please share with us a review. I'm wondering if cocaine bear is bad enough to be good or what

And I thought a large portions of movies were aimed at the 14 to 19 year old crowd. I bet TRANSFORMERS vs THE RUST MONSTER shows to an empty theater at night


kneel_yung t1_ja4b3l4 wrote

Capitalists have to extract every penny out of you. If they don't, it's an inefficiency.

Why should there be a free place to congregate when a capitalist can profit off that experience? Why should a capitalist pay for a mall for you to hang out in when you can just buy stuff from your phone and have it delivered? Why should a capitalist pay for you to have a good experience when we've proven that we'll still blow money on dumb crap on the internet even if we're crazy depressed.

Corporations are earning record revenues right now because they have cover to raise prices. Why should we have any money? A capitalist is entitled to your money. You're only entitled to pay your taxes (so that corporations don't have to) and to pay out the ass for basic necessities like groceries and housing.

Those boats don't wax themselves. So shut your mouth and open your wallet.


OopsImACrow t1_ja4cdc5 wrote

this doesn’t even make sense, curfew is at 11; most movies don’t run for 4 hours nowadays. 9:30? 10PM? i could understand that. not 7:30.


FattieBanton t1_ja4cm2p wrote

Damn. I remember getting my first debit card at around age 15 and every week I’d go to the movies and use the newly installed self-ticketing booths to watch R-rated movies. The only time it didn’t work was for American Gangster because the homies wanted to watch it the day it came out.


HatefulDan t1_ja4di4k wrote

Well, teenagers are also more likely to engage in theater hopping, which means the potential to end up in someone’s reserve seats, which can lead to conflict. Because they are also unsupervised, and understandably bored—they are more likely to engage in mischievousness and to disrupt the movie going experience of other paying customers. Which can also lead to conflict.

I’m pretty sure the straw broke the camel’s back. And the left shoe dropped. Anyway, any movie worth seeing is best seen on an off night


Catbunny t1_ja4edga wrote

Lot's of places do this. It actually is something many people want.


bberin t1_ja4g8db wrote

That’s wild. My husband and I go to bow tie 2-3 times/month between March and September and have somehow managed to avoid them, but it sounds like we may be living on borrowed time


Heavy_Ratio818 t1_ja4m7bx wrote

Damn. I might start going to the movies again. Fdk.


fusion260 t1_ja4oyom wrote

Worked at a theater for my first major job from 15.5-21. Teenagers were the worst.

They’d get into fights, harass other customers and run, talk loudly during the movies, walk in and out of theaters calling out for their friends, light up the theater with their phones and pagers (late 90s), turn on the cleaning lights in other theaters that were still playing movies as they left, pull fire alarms, steal shit, wreck the bathrooms by TPing stalls and flooding toilets, and theater hop all the time, air-kick cardboard displays/standees.

Regal wasn’t going to do anything about it in the late 90s/early 00s. I absolutely loathed seeing parents drop them off at the front of the theater and leave.


OopsImACrow t1_ja4x3a1 wrote

as an adult, it doesn’t bother me having kids under the age of 17 at a theater. i find it weird if this actually increases foot traffic at the theater, never imagined some people hated teens/kids enough to actively avoid the movies or go less often because of them.

edit: damn, y’all must REALLY hate kids. weirdos.


Maleficent-Bend-378 t1_ja4z97r wrote

Cause kids can’t behave themselves and some of us wanna watch a movie without a bunch of hooligans shouting, texting and fighting


ubiquitous_delight t1_ja4zrgy wrote

This is amazing. Kids have ruined almost every movie I've gone to lately.


bkemp1984Part2 t1_ja51ih4 wrote

Not to say OP is wrong or that it isn't an issue at Bowtie, but yeah, I bet 9 out of 10 people who say they know where they got them are wrong. Like you said, it takes a while for them to multiply and become apparent a lot of the time. I bet also someone who notices bed bugs after having been to Bowtie but has never heard of Bowtie having them would be less likely to think they got them there.


TheProdigalBootycall t1_ja525dn wrote

I’ll be the lone dissenting voice here. If we want kids to get in less trouble out there this summer, we shouldn’t remove items from the very short list of things they have to do. The sun is still up at 7:30 for Christ’s sake.


ripleyajm t1_ja537ce wrote

Kids have ruined half the movies I’ve gone to see lately, but I’m still not sure I’m for this. Maybe separate theaters and showings for folks under 21? I mean there’s nowhere else for kids to hang out anymore let them have movie theaters for gods sake.

But also keep them away from me


OopsImACrow t1_ja53bvt wrote

i mean…even without with guardians, though? i may be interpreting it wrong, but I also didn’t ever really see the crowd of kids Bowtie attracted.

honestly, it makes me not wanna go past 7:30 as a young-looking adult…especially if the staff is checking IDs on anyone they think may be under 17. I’m also just super fucking lazy, though.

edit: i fucked up wording, totally meant WITH guardians.


OopsImACrow t1_ja54j0b wrote

just weird that they implemented a blanket ban instead of requiring the kids to be with adults, to me. I’m sure there are well mannered kids who would like to enjoy a post-sundown date there or something during the summer. or even parents who want to go out for a movie with their kid, at that time; considering there are working parents that get off at 6:30-7ish. I’m approaching semantic territory, but I definitely see this affecting sales to an extent—could be wrong!


KDRadio1 t1_ja57bze wrote

I’m closer to 40 than 30 but I was just thinking about this the other day. I remember how AOL (lol) chat rooms or even MySpace was on the internet, but seemed to partner well with in person socializing. I think maybe because it wasn’t so universally used, and maybe not as intrusive I don’t know.

I love the internet, I just wish it was still less algorithms and more intentional navigation. If that makes sense. It’s just so “noisy” out there now.

Anyway, I’m an introvert and even I am missing real human experiences these days.


KDRadio1 t1_ja57xaj wrote

I really want to know the specifics here, because if they intentionally meant to stop kids with parents after a certain time, it must be a spicy story.

My guess is there is at least a slight correlation between crappy teens and less than stellar parents.


jennbo t1_ja5dnu8 wrote

Yeah, I agree. Y’all haven’t lived in small small towns where kids have nothing to do so they end up in even worse situations than “going to the movies.”

I also don’t like the wholesale removal of certain age groups from general population areas. There’s something a bit dehumanizing about it that rubs me the wrong way. I definitely think that people are entitled to adult-only spaces in certain circumstances, but in general I think a big part of being a human is being in communal experiences and dealing with behavior some of us might find frustrating and figuring out how to most effectively deal with it. I have asked, politely, for kids and teens to stop xyz.

But yeah, 15-16 year olds seeing movies at 8:00 is harmless. There’s still Regal, but Bowtie is the theater most easily accessible by public transportation so it’s gonna be the most difficult for kids and families who live around there. Who aren’t always the wealthiest.


comfortpea t1_ja5haqc wrote

Minor point to make but our community pool cancelled adult swim because it goes against some agism law. Wouldn’t this be against the law too?


dougc84 t1_ja5ip70 wrote

My wife's been verbally assaulted in the bathroom by high school kids just hanging out in there to smoke.

My sister-in-law's car got burgered (like being egged, but... with half a burger?) while watching a movie for absolutely no reason.

We've witnessed fights between middle school kids outside of the theater.

About 7 or 8 years ago, I had a police officer friend that said they get more calls from Bowtie than anywhere else for fights and public disruption from middle school and high school kids. Parents don't take responsibility and just drop them off for something to do.

Dumb, irresponsible kids ruined it for the rest of them. They should've done this years ago.


dougc84 t1_ja5ix26 wrote

Huge source of revenue? You mean asshole kids dropped off by their loser parents ruining the movie-going experience for the rest of us that will no longer visit Bowtie?


yentle-the-nimble t1_ja5lh4t wrote

I went there last summer and there was a surprising number of police — there seemed to be over a dozen: Out front. In the lobby. Before going down either wing to get to your theater. In the halls outside the theaters.

I asked one why they were all there. Kids causing trouble was the gist of it. This was around the time of the “Minions: Rise of Gru” memes, so I thought it was related. Maybe not so much.


ShutterHawk t1_ja5nbru wrote

I will now be going exclusively to Bowtie Cinema to see movies.


OrtizDupri t1_ja5p92z wrote

I’m totally down with them having selected theaters or whatever that are “teens only” to give them a space to hang out and watch a movie

It’s a little harder to have empathy when 40 kids show up during a movie and proceed to yell across a theater to each other the whole time


Shishou58 t1_ja5rint wrote

This seems like a plus to me…


BugggJuice t1_ja5tw1h wrote

after hearing they have bedbugs, i don't really care if they shut down or not.


420learning t1_ja62t7y wrote

Bed bugs were a phase of my life I'm happy to forget lol. When we first had them the apartment manager tried blaming us, then suddenly more tenants were reporting them. One day an apartment door was open that they were cleaning out and from outside the room I could see the signs of them on the corners, turns out a guy was pretty much bed ridden and they were going to town, when he passed the bed bugs migrated to the rest of the unit. I was pissed since we had been battling the apartment folks trying to get us to pay our own treatment, turned out they knew about this situation.

Also, they're pretty incredibly hard to get rid of. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite is horror words


Capable_Bandicoot_27 t1_ja655mv wrote

Don’t see where this is really that strict. In my experience the next to last screening of the night starts between 7 and 7:30. That means kids are having to leave about 9-10. The last show is 18 and up.


Famous_Soft_1173 t1_ja6611g wrote

I get that rowdy and stupid kids are the reason this is a thing, but it does kinda piss me off as a high schooler


Colt1911-45 t1_ja66lly wrote

You can move to a communist or socialist country and stand in several different queues for hours on end to buy bread or milk or vegetables. You will get plenty of socialization in whilst standing in line, comrade.


genghisKHANNNNN t1_ja66wcr wrote

To be fair... Have parents ever taken responsibility for their kids at movie theaters? I was in middle school in the nineties, it was common to ditch the kids at the local Regal, and show back up after a couple of hours. By no means was that a new thing at the time.


hotspockets123 t1_ja6aiae wrote

Bow tie sucks bro. Not even cuz the kids going crazy constantly but the seats are so uncomfortable… maybe just me


dougc84 t1_ja6dfzh wrote

But we, at least, tried to stay out of the center of attention. Maybe we got a BJ during a movie or snuck off to smoke the broken cigarette you’ve been cautiously holding in your pocket. We weren’t getting groups of people together to beat people up. We weren’t messing up people’s property. We weren’t throwing candy at other people or talking through entire movies.

I don’t care what anyone does with their time so long as it doesn’t negatively affect others. And, sadly, the actions of nearly every teenager that I’ve ever seen at Bowtie proves that they are not responsible enough to do that.


10000Didgeridoos t1_ja6m7z3 wrote

It must have really changed since COVID. Back when I used to go there often in the 2010s, the crowds were almost all college students and older since it's by the Diamond and not near the suburbs. It seemed like mostly people from the Fan, MD, and northside.

I hardly ever saw a lot of high school kids there.


10000Didgeridoos t1_ja6mq4k wrote

If it was a truly common occurrence, it would be shut down by the DoH immediately until fixed.

It's not common. Thousands of people go there daily and bed bugs aren't a thing. Any place you ever go with shared seating with the public and rapid turnover is liable to have them get on someone eventually. All it takes is the person before you having them, leaving one or two on the seat, and then they hop on you when you go to the next movie time 30 minutes later. They can't visually inspect and bug bomb movie theater seats in between shows.

I swear this is some dumb urban legend that started because it happened to one or two people once at some point in the last decade, and then just has been retold so many times people think it's happening all the time. There is no large entertainment venue anywhere that would get away with a literal bed bug infestation, especially for fucking years on end.


10000Didgeridoos t1_ja6n8jw wrote

Bed bugs don't instantly reproduce and don't travel in packs on people. We get them on homeless and poor patients fairly often where I work and at most you might see one or two of them drop off onto the floor or the chair they are sitting in.

Like you don't go to a movie and then bring home a dozen engorged bed bugs that just came off another person on your clothes, especially without noticing at all, and then discover many of them less than 24 hours later. That isn't how they work. Google results say it takes several weeks for them to lay eggs and for those to hatch and go through the several life cycle stages before becoming adult, blood sucking bugs.

It's possible but it's more likely they came in from somewhere days or weeks earlier. You can pick them up from any public chair you sit in if someone with bed bugs on their clothes sat there before you.


10000Didgeridoos t1_ja6ni45 wrote

I also doubt that teens are a big source of revenue at Bowtie compared to like Regal Short Pump given the age demographics of who lives nearby each. Regal could never do this - their Friday and Saturday and summer night shows are always packed with middle and high school kids - but Bowtie is more college students and older.


10000Didgeridoos t1_ja6nn56 wrote

Definitely true. Only a couple of their theaters have big screens for the biggest releases, and everything else gets a pretty small one. Richmond's theater choices in general suck ass. We don't have anything like a real, full sized curved rectangular imax screen.


aew96 t1_ja7kgio wrote

This has always been their policy, although I think it used to be a little later. The city has a midnight curfew for minors, so any movie that got out after 11:30 they wouldn't let minors in. My friends and I all knew this when we were in high school in 2012-2014.


Court_of_Appeals t1_ja7n54l wrote

I was that person lol. In a way it genuinely sucks because bow tie is the closest theater to me and has the best selection. I even got a movie pass again recently but it’s been hard to use with bowtie not being an option for me. But dealing with bedbugs was an absolute nightmare and I can’t bring myself to go back right now. Maybe after a year I’ll suck it up and just strip everytime after I go. Idk.


Court_of_Appeals t1_ja7nd5z wrote

I don’t totally disagree but when we called Dodson to come treat us after our run in there, they said they used to have a running contract at bowtie for treating them and then management changed and it stopped. Sooooo idk man.


jmblya t1_ja7rle4 wrote

Can Richmond get an Alamo Drafthouse already?


bodydamage t1_ja8kycf wrote

They should advertise this.

We already go to Bowtie just for nostalgia since I’ve been going there since I was a kid.

Being able to go watch a movie in peace without a bunch of kids ruining it sounds glorious.

I’ve had to ask kids at bow tie to put their phones away, stop talking during the movie and not kick the back of my seat, etc.


dalhectar t1_ja9b0md wrote

You can make sure a chaperoning adult is present when the ticket is torn. You don't have to monitor hallways. Just "Did an adult go into the theater with the minor".

But I mean there are plenty of other theaters teens can go to. If parents want to dump kids at a Regal theater, they are welcome to.


choicebutts t1_jab38h3 wrote

It's been discussed in the last few years, it's not an old urban legend. I googled and found three references to bed bugs and Movieland here, in 2019, 2021, and 2022. Richmond is known for having a serious bed bug problem.


speedoftheground t1_jaczthf wrote

Personally, I've never been harassed by teens in this theater, but plenty of grown adults have ruined my movie going experience with their talking, texting, kicking seats etc. I don't totally agree with this decision because I don't think they're taking the individual into account. What if a teen has a single parent who's they're only ride and they work weekends? That kid will never be seeing a movie here again.

But my point is moot. It's obvious they're trying to go out of business at this point.