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LilNinjaBitch OP t1_j9yhnic wrote

Thanks. I was at PLP last weekend. They’re hardcore Liverpool fans. Didn’t see any ManUtd posters. But they might show Utd games I guess.


inspiredby1 t1_j9ympgy wrote

There is a small group of United supporters that show up for the matches there and its guaranteed they will have the match on.


LilNinjaBitch OP t1_j9yosnr wrote

Sounds good. I’ll check out the vibe at Beakers and at Peny lane. Thanks 🙏🏽


SadValleyThrowaway t1_j9z8art wrote

I mean, we’re in Richmond. It might be a liverpool/Tottenham themed bar but really the city is so small just a soccer bar.

I asked the bartender (maybe owner? Not sure) where he was from and who he supported and it wasn’t liverpool. I think it was a smaller club