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_beers_and_gears_ t1_j9bo3qx wrote


I took a class from Virginia Fatherhood Foundation that was helpful. I think they have some other resources too.

The hospitals usually have helpful classes as well.


[deleted] t1_j9cii0r wrote



Candid-Ear-4840 t1_j9ck8g6 wrote

I was literally shocked the first time I found out that in the USA, the top cause of maternal death during pregnancy is homicide. I thought expectant mothers were more likely to die of, like, pre-eclampsia or ectopic pregnancies or heart attacks or something going wrong during childbirth.

Nope. It’s murder. like WTAF????

“Women in this country are more likely to be murdered while pregnant or shortly after giving birth than to die from the three leading obstetric causes of maternal death—including pregnancy-related high blood pressure, bleeding, or sepsis.

“Most murders of pregnant people are linked to intimate partner violence and gun violence, both of which are more common in the United States than in other high-income countries.”

Apparently it’s more “useful” (edit: for the general population) to learn how to avoid killing your pregnant partner than it is to learn how to recognize the signs that your pregnant partner is having a heart attack. I still struggle to wrap my head around this.


_beers_and_gears_ t1_j9cipd8 wrote

Wow. I had a very different experience. I imagine it varies by who is giving the class.


CRothg t1_j9dda0n wrote

I became a dad 6 months ago and this class was really helpful for me too.