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[deleted] t1_ja8v76b wrote

I fly in and out of RIC a lot and I’m excited for anything other than the abysmal Caribou Coffee that’s there.


Fearless_Arugula_732 t1_ja8vc6p wrote

RIP caribou coffee in RVA. I remember when they had the worst spot for a coffee shop in Short Pump mall; you could only find it if you were lost.


BatmansNygma t1_ja8wkdc wrote

Excited to see the pricing considering their regular store is already airport level prices.


PayneTrainSG t1_ja92838 wrote

Oddly enough, I was waiting for a flight one day when I saw a Delaware North rep doing a walk-through of changing away from Caribou and was waiting for this to finally come. Glad it was this. At the end of the day, it will still be mediocre operators but hopefully supplying the shops won't be as abysmal as they were under caribou.


chasetwisters t1_ja97x7m wrote

Not really relevant in this case but I wish you could walk between terminals at RIC since they have different dining options (and especially with Terminal A having fewer options than Terminal B). Seems like it'd be easy to create some walkway between the two once you're past security.


raindeerpie t1_ja9f7qc wrote

i think that's probably a casualty of 9/11. I'm just guessing here, but that terminal looks like it was designed before the massive security ramp ups after 9/11. there was not enough space in the hallway before the atrium so they split it into two smaller checkpoints in the wings instead. if someone knows differently please chirp in because I only started flying through there in the last ten years.


compyface286 t1_ja9ge4f wrote

Isn't this the people who were complaining about BLM? It is tasty though.


Chance-Potential7987 t1_ja9icrm wrote

Isn’t this the place that hosted coffee with a cop like a few months after summer of 2020??


honey-pb t1_ja9t6vg wrote

Ironclad has had a kiosk in RIC for about a year and a half now. It's just self serve and right next to Caribou.


PuzzleheadedDesk6652 t1_ja9tu0y wrote

I’ve seen those before. I feel like if you have a good business you don’t need to belittle bad reviewers because eventually the good reviews will outweigh them. And at the very least some constructive criticism should be considered since coffeeshops imo should be community cornerstones.


lovearound t1_ja9zg70 wrote

Please do not support this business. The owner is a terrible person. He fired someone for being non-binary because he felt weird using preferred pronouns. He hosted Coffee with a Cop in response to BLM movement. He bragged ln social media that he didn’t have to let “any employees go” during covid but he DID give three of us zero hours (yes I was one of them). He actively complains about customers and hate when you sit in the lobby (proof: super condescending wifi password with a time limit) and also he cannot take criticism and belittles those who offer it (proof: Google reviews). This dude sucks.


Opacy t1_jaa0vit wrote

Seems like getting an actual local coffee shop in the airport is a good first step in making RIC feel like you’re actually arriving in Richmond.

The current crop of Applebee’s, Caribou Coffee, Sam Adams Brewhouse, and Cheeburger Cheeburger is the most generic collection of restaurants imaginable. I’d love to see a local brewery or two open up a tasting area (Hardywood? Ardent?) and maybe a local restaurant setting up shop too. Get a King of Pops kiosk set up in the terminals too and now we’re talking.


No-Neighborhood9052 t1_jaa7gr5 wrote

I came here to say this. I never had the displeasure working for him or with him, but I know plenty that have been on the receiving end of his disgusting practices.

I steer all of my out of town friends away from this place proudly. Thanks for your input!


Turtlethymes t1_jaaa2tj wrote

If you care about bodily autonomy and the right to choice then avoid Ironclad. He (Ryan O’Rourke, owner) has been very openly pro-forced birth anti-choice on his personal social media (I’ve posted about this multiple times).


iwearlederhosen t1_jaamxy4 wrote

Nope. I flew in around 2003 when I was living in Orlando and about died laughing at how small the airport was when we got off. It was more like Charlottesville by my memory, which is one TSA checkpoint and maybe 5-6 gates.


Lady-Meows-a-Lot t1_jaawlm2 wrote

Comment section of that article is 🔥. I’m a sucker for hot goss.


scnickel t1_jacnpcz wrote

I swear every time I've tried to get coffee from that kiosk it's nowhere to be found. Happened to me last Wednesday when my flight was delayed. I love the idea since I hate waiting in line for 30 minutes behind 10 people getting fancy drinks when all I want is a plain black coffee.


jodyhighrola t1_jacuahn wrote

I left a good review with a side note that the seating wasn’t very efficient at the time and he responded with snark. Stopped going once Riverbend leveled up. I should’ve done so after paying $9+ for a specialty drink tbh.

We need more coffee competition here. That’s how I measure how far along a city is in its boom. We don’t even have late night cafes yet.


raindeerpie t1_jadwr2x wrote

I love the current size. you can show up 45 min before your flight breeze through security with ease. i like the recent growth too. it's attracting point to point carriers and hopefully once the runways are extended we can get some widebodies in for longer routes. maybe even enough power to bring a Canada flight back