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solostinlost t1_j9ayraa wrote

Google your county/city and “arrest records” — might take 24 hours for the info to be in the system but I had to use it for an issue with a neighbor in henrico and was able to see what they were charged with the next day. Make sure you’re only viewing official government sites because there are a number of spammy pages that can show up in the mix


BikeInWhite t1_j9b2frq wrote

Good on you for being able to channel your inner John Wick. I don't know what I'd do in that same situation, but ending up with the guy knocked out cold is the ideal outcome.


RVAperson9 t1_j9b7nu7 wrote

No idea, but any tips/strategies you used to accomplish this feat for the rest of us to learn?


Minakovablue t1_j9baofa wrote

Was there a police report number issued with the arrest? As the victim, you should have access to the report, or at least this will help you find out who’s assigned to the case and they may be able to give you more details.


Cunbundle t1_j9bblty wrote

Since you're a witness/victim it seems unlikely that the prosecutor's office won't contact you at some point. Unless he pleads out early you'll probably have to testify. You'll learn all you want to know about him.

Glad you're OK though!


goldzounds t1_j9bdrmr wrote

Dang good for you and glad you are okay.


TheRealSuperJeff t1_j9bg55l wrote

Shhhhiiid the Richmond DA let him go 10 min after he got there!! hahaha


cassiopeia69 t1_j9br36d wrote

Was it the city or Henrico? Henrico posts their on their website with a little few hours of a lag... they have a few different links, one for recent arrests, incident report, police active calls ... I can send you the link if you want.


dreww4546 t1_j9buhdu wrote

I would be careful how I describe this. It sounds like 1) he was never inside your abode and 2) you knocked him out as he was fleeing.

Sometimes criminals actually sue over this and even win. And there is a decent chance he won't be there goes that part of your legal defense if he does sue.

That being said, play up how you were frightened and how fight or flight rage took over when you retell this to authorities.

And honestly, you did what all of wish we could have done. Just be careful.


ohsweetpeaches t1_j9c271e wrote

Generally (in my experience) police reports aren’t available the same day. You can contact the officers that helped you later this week to find out more, that is if they don’t contact you first to ask you questions.


WhoCaresBoutSpellin t1_j9c4086 wrote

Richmond doesn’t have an electronic police report request system. You have to go down to the precinct and request a printed copy of the report in person, and will have to pay a small fee. They will need info to look it up like address, date, name(s) of people involved, etc. the best option is to have the police report # from the officer that responded to the call.

I went downtown once with the report # that the police officer gave on a business card, and they still had trouble finding it. Eventually they found it though. Good luck.


Colt1911-45 t1_j9c6hlp wrote

OP, you now have a license to carry a wallet that says Bad Motherfucker on it.


dreww4546 t1_j9cvdvb wrote

If the burglar has a concussion or other serious injury, he could sue since the injury occurred outside when he was running away.

I don't like this...but I've seen it happen.


Schmergenheimer t1_j9d00z1 wrote

I would strongly recommend removing this comment. While charges may get pressed, if the perp gets a lawyer, this is evidence of, "my client tried to leave, was assaulted, and we're filing this civil suit to recoup the cost of this injuries."


Zsevern t1_j9dokx9 wrote

Delete this post now. Call the police and ask about the guy. DELETE THIS POST NOW.


Murky_Pack9675 t1_j9dp5u6 wrote

This Manchester resident would love to know where in the general Manchester area that this happened?


systematical t1_j9e07xv wrote

According to the OP:

  • Trespassing
  • Property damage
  • Breaking/entering

Would you be surprised if this person has priors (and or was intoxicated) that act as aggravating circumstances? Neither would I. OP was within his right. What jury would side with this piece of shit?

Anyways, the story reaffirms my belief that I should at the very least get some pepper spray if not a gun cuz I'm not very big and my dog isn't a fighter.


skinnylynnie80 t1_j9ezy37 wrote

I went down to the Police Precinct on Grace St around 1st st and asked for copies.


khuldrim t1_j9f1np8 wrote

I would, if it could be proven that he acted against the law or recklessly, if i was on his jury. Its the only thing that separates us from wild west vigilantism. In reference to the homeowner, i mean.


ShuRugal t1_j9fdjha wrote

Adding my voice to the advice column for "delete this, you dummy". You're both opening yourself to civil liability here and potentially harming the prosecutor's case against the man who broke into your home.


systematical t1_j9i6gdq wrote

Some criminal, who broke into this dudes house and was going to do god knows what. What if the owner was a 100 lbs female instead? What happens then? Does she get assaulted physically? Sexually? The OP did the world a service.

Cold blood? From what I understand, this criminal is still a live and in custody where he belongs. Why defend pieces of shit? If OP went American History X on the guy sure, but he gave him one hook and a push down. Boo-hoo, go live in CHAZ you nut.


khuldrim t1_j9i756p wrote

Once they’re running from you they are no longer a threat. And the push down could’ve caused head trauma, and the suspect was already retreating so it wasn’t necessary.

I’m not a nut, I just don’t defend rampant thuggery in the guise of “home defense”. Seen too many “they were running away when shot in the back” stories where the shooter gets away with it because of right wing style home defense laws, aka you can kill anyone for any reason even at the moment they’re not actually a threat to you. That’s called murder. Or assault.


systematical t1_j9i7m3i wrote

No one was shot in the back here, apples to oranges, a punch and a push is amazing restraint IMO. We disagree, pointless to continue this. Good luck in life.

P.s. You downvote everything you disagree with. Funny haha. Enjoy.


CyranoDeBurlapSack t1_j9ku19y wrote

Sorry for the delay, I don’t always check my messages. If you’ve ever seen The Queen’s Gambit, and how she plays chess on the ceiling. I do that. I can play and replay those types of games in my head and see the moves I made and make changes and watch the games play out in my head. Especially if I play regularly.

To that effect it definitely occupies my mind and can be a good distraction when needed.