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groundcontrol3 t1_j9fhuk2 wrote

Was there really a need to editorialize the article's title? If speed was the name of the game then maybe the affluent parents whose kids go to this school should have lobbied for a brand new school instead of repairing the original structure.


crushdigital t1_j9fkgzr wrote

You're blaming the parents???


groundcontrol3 t1_j9foz1j wrote

For wanting to repair the school instead of tearing it down and building a new one, absolutely.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_j9fnwdk wrote

that's a crazy take. And a lot of parents at Fox are not affluent after the rezoning.

So yes, I think there was a need to call out how incompetent the school board is being here, and not just accept it