Submitted by Charlesinrichmond t3_11860f1 in rva
crushdigital t1_j9fkgzr wrote
You're blaming the parents???
WhalerBum t1_j9fldmh wrote
The idea that Fox is full of kids with kids with affluent parents that have lobbying power is ridiculous.
Charlesinrichmond OP t1_j9fnwdk wrote
that's a crazy take. And a lot of parents at Fox are not affluent after the rezoning.
So yes, I think there was a need to call out how incompetent the school board is being here, and not just accept it
groundcontrol3 t1_j9foo4b wrote
If Obama Elementary burned down in Northside they aren't saving the building. The school board also isn't repairing the building because it's cheaper and faster to do so. So why else would they be doing that if it wasn't because of influential parents demanding the building be saved?
groundcontrol3 t1_j9foz1j wrote
For wanting to repair the school instead of tearing it down and building a new one, absolutely.
Charlesinrichmond OP t1_j9fpb57 wrote
Because Richmond cares about historic architecture, and tearing it down wouldn't speed things up noticeably - see the rest of school construction
VCUBNFO t1_j9frgxk wrote
Because the Northside school is just standard unflattering architecture with no historical significance or value. Parents there would be fighting for a new school than repairing it because at least they would get a more modern design.
groundcontrol3 t1_j9ftowl wrote
Obama Elementary is almost just as old of a building as Fox. It celebrated its centennial last year.
VCUBNFO t1_j9fwxf0 wrote
Interesting. It doesn’t look like anything significant architecturally.
PopularMedicinetoday t1_j9fy1v3 wrote
It’s historic. Lol dude chill.
PopularMedicinetoday t1_j9fyb80 wrote
Age isn’t the only reason to keep something around. Architecture plays a huge role.
Many buildings that burnt down from confederacy burning RVA were freaky crappy plank built homes that weren’t worth the wood they were built with.
Regardless, we are talking hypotheticals.
eziam t1_j9fzdmx wrote
It's old but how is it "historic"? Honest question because I have no idea if Fox was a part of history or just an old building.
sleevieb t1_j9g1ap9 wrote
Fox is the wealthiest public elementary school in the city. The fact that some poors are there doesn’t negate this fact.
It doesn’t make sense financially or otherwise to rebuild buildings that are this old or this destroyed. The building was old but not historic.
One of Richmond’s main problems is the condition of its school buildings. Mold. Leaks. Collapsing features.
The mayors major political right was to build some schools very quickly at 1.5 times the cost. This cost him the power to build schools as it is the school boards now.
There is a long history in this country of using things like “historic” and “walkable “ to segregate schooling.
Charlesinrichmond OP t1_j9g40dp wrote
it's a thin line. I think part of it is a lack of trust in RPS etc to design new schools that are attractive. We know Fox was
Charlesinrichmond OP t1_j9g4bhn wrote
this isn't true. Munford would like a word even before.
Look at Foxs demographics after the rezoning, facts matter.
There are a lot of myths about Fox which are based on weird emotions, not rationality and facts, as this shows. It's almost like people are insulted by the idea that RPS has some functional schools, and want to drag them all down to the same level of dysfunction
jason375 t1_j9g5apv wrote
I know a lot people want Fox rebuilt but, Clark Springs is a functional school. It might be a bit small and out of the way but the building is in good shape currently and could be great with a bit more work. I don’t know if the cost of rebuilding Fox is worth it if the kids could get the same education with just few upgrade to Clark Springs.
everybodyhateskhris t1_j9g8rd7 wrote
I was curious on Fox as I had never looked them up to see who they were. From the school's website William Fox was the first superintendent of RPS and a staunch supporter of free public education for all children.
The school is historic for notable architecture and notable architect, [Charles Robinson](
eziam t1_j9gavu2 wrote
It a thin line. Hopefully they had professionals (engineers, accountants, etc...) deciding the cost to rebuild or renovate. My school is getting town down and not a rebuild because it makes more $$$sense, although it's an ugly campus style from the 1960s that won't work in today's climate.
I'm just worried that the rebuild won't fix the underlying issues of having a very old and neglected school.
Mr_Boneman t1_j9gcxqr wrote
I’m actually surprised the reno price tag is only 25m.
[deleted] t1_j9gvmgc wrote
yesiambear t1_j9i2kwi wrote
Same. New schools go for $80mil, and this feels like almost a new school being built. I'm more impressed they can salvage anything with all the water that was dumped on it.
Potential-Height582 t1_j9i5lca wrote
I don’t know that this is true. Someone else in this post cited that it’s $80m to build a new school and the repair is $25M.
Charlesinrichmond OP t1_j9kc567 wrote
ironically, I'm somewhat glad it burned. Fox was in one of the worst shapes of any RPS school, but there was no way it would ever get any money for renovation because it's the "rich school". It's basically a shell, they have to fix everything there. The only issue will be if they don't provide enough space and bring back the trailers which I could totally see RPS mishandling.
But better a school that will handle another 100 years than a disposable school of the sort they've built lately
Charlesinrichmond OP t1_j9kc9mo wrote
Clark springs was put on the unused list years ago because of how expensive it would be to fix it properly
Ok_Choice4288 t1_j9lzo2q wrote
it's located within a historic district - the fan area historic district, which is registered in the national register of historic places and the Virginia landmarks register
groundcontrol3 t1_j9fhuk2 wrote
Was there really a need to editorialize the article's title? If speed was the name of the game then maybe the affluent parents whose kids go to this school should have lobbied for a brand new school instead of repairing the original structure.