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sleevieb t1_j8obbmx wrote

fuck george wythe


edit; they will build the elementary school that burned down years after they started rebuilding wythe and it will be done before wythe. it will not conform to the codes and standard that will be thrust on wythe. they will start construnction asap and let the costs balloon out of control and say "oopsie who couldve known rebuliding a historic building that was burned to pieces and left rotting would be hard".


bozatwork OP t1_j8onr5f wrote

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this was an off-the-cuff hot take where you thought it would be cool to trash one school because another is also in need. But I will take a few minutes to reply because this is an important issue to highlight.

The Fox PTA has used every media encounter to highlight needs across the City and the state, that a similarly tragic situation could have happened anywhere, and that we have massive school infrastructure needs that have been habitually underfunded and led to disastrous outcomes such as the fire.

The media has tried to follow the story and report on the underlying issues. Here's a recent story from this weekend where we used the anniversary to draw attention, not to take from Wythe, but to help continue to highlight the needs that are unmet across the city. We have city council members with their experiences and perspectives on how budgets should work, we have school board members with their own perspectives and varied backgrounds, and we have the mayor. Then you add in the General Assembly. There's a lot to navigate between all of these bodies, and I won't get into specifics about personalities and political dynamics but I will say it takes some thought.

We have consistently said the rebuilding of Fox should not come at the expensive of Wythe or Woodville, or any other needs, and we have corrected City Council members who have said RPS "has the money" in its general fund.

Here are the actual talking points the PTA has shared regarding the rebuilding. They are yours for the taking--I encourage everyone to write their elected officials.

Rebuild William Fox School Talking Points

About William Fox Elementary School

 William Fox Elementary School has served the students of Richmond for over 110


 William Fox Elementary School is a Title I school that serves a diverse student body: 

o 47% White

o 37% Black

o 6% Hispanic

o 3% Asian

o 6% Other/Unspecified

o 44% Economically Disadvantaged.

 Per the VDOE, Covid and Fire Instability have negatively impacted Fox enrollment


o Enrollment dropped by 112 students between 2019 (438) and today (326). 

o Enrollment dropped by 32 students since the fire.


Current State of the Building

 William Fox Elementary School sat for 5 months (February through June 2022) with

multiple feet of standing water, and heavy, water-logged debris stressing the building’s

instructional integrity while RFD and Insurance inspections prevented RPS from building

access and action. This period added to the structure’s damage, and increased

reconstruction costs.

 Since July 2022, the exterior has been stabilized, and debris has been removed.

 SBCox is currently preparing the site for a permanent roof, but construction teams are

waiting for insurance approval to fund the roof itself.

 Once the roof is installed, the windows will be boarded up, and the building will sit

dormant until there are sufficient funds for a rebuild. 

 Further decay and damage may occur while this building sits in limbo, increasing

construction costs.

Funding Shortfall

 The full cost to rebuild Fox is about $27M (outside party estimate).

 RPS insurance policy covers the full rebuild of any accidental damage. Current offer

 $13M (structure + furnishings, this is what the policy values the property for;

approximately $15M short of the “full rebuild” cost).

 School Board Rep Jonathan Young told the media it will be hard to challenge VACORP

in court because maintenance issues like faulty fire alarms weaken the RPS’s claim. 

 Delegate Jeff Bourne asked the House of Delegates for $15M for Fox reconstruction.

This bill failed. The financial burden now falls to the City.

Next Steps

 The William Fox Community asks the City of Richmond to fund the restoration of this

school in their upcoming FY24 budget. 


 This City budget is drafted by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Lincoln Sanders, in March and presented to City Council by Mayor Levar Stoney.

 Community members should write to the Mayor and CAO with this request, and write all of City Council to support it.

 Possible Funding Source: 

o The City’s $52.7M “unassigned” capital projects fund.

o The City’s $107.8M “unassigned” general funds

 School Construction is the source of infighting between the Richmond School Board and City leadership. Community members should ask these bodies to work cooperatively to meet the needs of William Fox Elementary School.


sleevieb t1_j8os4la wrote

the cognitive dissonance of the argument of "we are highlighting the issues across all the schools" while fundraising to help one school in a system of many that lack resources is not surprising, but still disappointing.


bozatwork OP t1_j8ph1uk wrote

By this logic, every school's individual PTA efforts should not take place because they are inequitable. Well, we are advocating for equity in the system while also fundraising for activities to support our school population. It's a "yes and" situation, not an either/or.


sleevieb t1_j8pjq65 wrote

I agree that PTAs are inequitable and that the fox pta is putting its mouth one place and it’s money the other.


bozatwork OP t1_j8oxl0f wrote

If your recommendation is to do nothing when the school has burned down because another school is past due for replacement, both situations where many are to blame, I guess we’ll disagree.


sleevieb t1_j8oxx4n wrote

fighting for what benefits you and yours is not noble and not reflecting on the deficiencies of the system, or knowing them and fighting not to fix them but to insulate yourself from them is disgusting, jim crow, and segregationist.



What have you done lately to help the causes you support? Guessing nothing, except maybe a few Reddit comments and tweets.


jracka t1_j8ppkdd wrote

You just jumped the shark on that one. Are you really saying that parents should focus on every single child before putting more focus on their own? I am going to take it you don't have kids

Also, the FOX PTA has many Black and Hispanic parents, I guess they are also practicing Jim Crow. Just wow.


bozatwork OP t1_j8pfo32 wrote

Fox actively participated in the last rezoning, which is reflected in the school's current population. Check the effects in the rest of the city. There is no effort by the Fox community to insulate, and certainly no segregational effort.


Soloemilia t1_j8omlmc wrote

Is that your whole thought? Wythe is going to be built.


Soloemilia t1_j8oycto wrote

It’s Woodville that needs replacing and is at risk for not getting what it needs.