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Tayl44 t1_j9zni12 wrote

The money is important, but that extra staff piece is key.


eziam t1_j9zwlc0 wrote

Not going to work. They did this a decade ago (actually about 15 years ago) Gave teachers a 5k bonus and support teachers/administrators. Each new teacher had a mentor teacher who didn't have a class but actually helped a group of teachers. I worked for ten years in one of those schools. The extra money and "support staff" will not make a difference. Since they are title 1 schools, they are funded nicely. To fix the problem (in the elementary level) is to vap class size at 12-16 kids, and have parent buy-in and parent-teacher accountability.


MeaningMedium5286 t1_j9zy1ra wrote

As a teacher, once I saw extra professional development, I was like, nope..I'll apply elsewhere.


Ok_Boysenberry_4223 t1_j9zzmd0 wrote

Not at all worth the extra $150 a month after taxes.

I’ve worked at one of these schools it was for all intents a different job than the one I do now (same position at a much “easier” school). I actually preferred working with the type of students at the “hard” school, but I couldn’t justify all the extra that took so much energy my family suffered.


Realtorandy t1_ja04hjd wrote

You are going to need significant (minimum 15-20k) increases in all school employee salaries just for them to be somewhat competitive. The brain drain is real. I know many current teachers who are on their way out and someone told me the other day that Henrico had lost a huge number of custodial and maintenance workers over the last year to both the private sector and other places paying much higher salaries. I have worked with a bunch of teachers who are looking to buy a home and single teachers are being effectively priced out of most markets in the area. This along with all of the other work condition issues is leading us to a true crisis that I don’t think enough people are talking about. There is literally no one waiting to replace them. As a parent with young kids, I am extremely scared for what education will look like over the next 10 years.


leecanbe t1_ja0ok36 wrote

Professional developments are classes and training teachers have to take. Usually during non contract hours. They are worth points, and we have to have x amount of points to renew our license. They are usually people who have some great new theory about education everyone should try, so you try it and then next year they are on to the next one. Same crap new acronyms, more paperwork.

TDLR: long meetings outside work hours that you don't get paid for and are 90% useless.


leecanbe t1_ja0p9pe wrote

I would kill for more support staff. Real support staff. Nurses, social workers, behavioral therapist, etc. I don't need a "mentor" I need boots on ground support.


localheroism t1_ja0uveo wrote

My mom's in a different state, but she's so beyond ready to retire in the next few years. It's incredible how badly screwed over teachers have been and especially in the last few years since the pandemic started and then admin/school boards/districts/legislators are feigning surprise at dwindling performance and staff levels. It's such a joke.


eziam t1_ja0vrc3 wrote

We had a behavioral specialist guy (I think it was Bliss or some acronym similar) at our school that would come in and pull a kid out. He would talk to them, calm them down, and bring back to the class. He would also help write the pbis/behavioral supports and do daily check-ins. Of course the county decided that position wasn't working and we lost him. Suspensions and behavioral issues shot up the next year.


CountryMouse23 t1_ja0znjb wrote

100% this. I am not a teacher, but one of those elusive support staff. With a ratio of 1:2,000, I can barely keep up with the paperwork, much less effect real change.

Watching teachers burn out and walk away is so worrisome. The younger teachers are seeing that their salaries don't buy much, their pensions have been eviscerated, and the political climate is toxic like never before. Who in the world would stay for 30 years? The crisis is coming like a slow-moving tidal wave and no one seems to be paying attention. People outside of education are in for a hell of an awakening. I genuinely worry for our kids, who, all corny sayings aside, really are our future.

I'm out in the next few years and it won't be soon enough. Given the shortage in my specific profession, there's a good chance they won't find anyone to fill the position.


memorex00 t1_ja15juk wrote

Ah, yes. It was Round Robin reading, Edmodo, PBL, Flipped classroom, Parallel teaching, Station teaching, or Learning contracts. What are they doing new for this year?


atctia t1_ja1pxa1 wrote

A good friend of mine is a counselor at one of these schools. She was telling me that, while the money is nice, it doesn't mean much if teachers and staff still aren't getting the support they need. As has been echoed many times, they are overworked and underappreciated