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Remerez t1_jadwv8y wrote

Oh you're anti-union, I get it now.

You know you can stop being an armchair judge and actually look into the stuff yourself. people who get paid more have higher job satisfaction and higher job satisfaction means they will volunteer their time more and systems will run more smoothly because of less animosity. higher pay means better teachers, and better teachers mean little johnny gets a better education.

Do you get it now?


popsrcr t1_jady5bz wrote

Better teachers has NOTHING to do with this topic lol. IT was about back office. And I'm still good with them getting realistic pay. Everyone should, but its kind of relative.

And yeah, I love my job and am paid well. I volunteer .... wait...sometimes.

I'm not even arguing with you!

and, pretty sure you've prejudged me while having no clue. But its all good, we all do it.


kneel_yung t1_jaepmu3 wrote

> Better teachers has NOTHING to do with this topic lol. IT was about back office.

Better admin == happier teachers. Idk if you've ever had a real job, but sometimes you end up with a bad boss whom you hate and it sucks to go to work and deal with them.

I left my last job for that reason and now I have a job with a cool boss who has my back and doesn't throw me under the bus at every opportunity. So yeah, better admin == better teachers.


Remerez t1_jae3a47 wrote

It does, though. More pay means better support and more incentive to be a teacher knowing that the staff will more supportive. You really want this to fail don't you?


kneel_yung t1_jaeptnd wrote

I get the impression that this a very young person or perhaps somebody who has been their own boss for a long time. cause anyone who's worked an actual job knows how much of an impact your boss has on your job satisfaction. Anyone who doesn't get that is usually a) a NEET, or b) a problem employee