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justbecauseiluvthis t1_j9z1dvr wrote

well, let's say 50 a year go unsolved. Times that by 10 years, that's 50 murders unsolved. Math is easy on this one. Chances are, if you live in the city, someone you pass on your daily has killed someone.

Shootings are 3-4 times the amount that actually die, so in the people you pass everyday, there are 3-4 times the amount of people that have shot someone.

EDIT: Bad math, I was thining of the more than 100 murders we have per year, times 10. Thank you for the correction.


I_AM_RVA t1_j9z6w0e wrote


First, there aren’t 50 unsolved a year. You just made that up. Even if there were, 50 a year doesn’t equal 1000 over ten years. You said “math is easy on this one,” but I think you actually had a great deal of difficulty with 50 x 10. And even still, having 50 unsolved on a year over year basis — which there are not — does not mean that those continue to go unsolved forever. Also, even if there were 50, which there aren’t, you have no idea who does the murders. You can’t assume it’s one person per murder, that’s stupid. You can’t assume they all live here, either, that’s stupid. You also can’t assume that they would stay here after a murder! So, to sum up, you made some shit up, did basic math wrong, made several illogical assumptions, and then said something really inflammatory and wrong. There are NOT thousands of murderers walking around and you do NOT walk by one every day.

Your comment is atrocious and ought to be moderated, frankly.


justbecauseiluvthis t1_j9z8mkd wrote

Ummm... I cited my source, and it's consistent. We don't just cap existence at 10 year chunks, there are murders from 20,30+ years ago. You were right I was sleepy on the math, still adds up over time. Well if we presume murderers are coming in from outside the city (that's 'stupid,' most murders are committed by people the victim knew,) so if there are other cities in the US, it's safe to presume if all these people are also moving after they murder, an equal number are leaving their city and coming here after their murder.

I'm sorry, but yes, the city has countless unsolved murders, feel free to fact check how many unsolved murders have been in RVA over the past 50 years.

You keep saying 'assume,' and 'stupid,' yet you have not cited a single thing, it's all your uncomfortable cognitive dissonance over the city having murderers in it. Just don't piss people off is my advice.
