Submitted by opienandm t3_11baglk in rva

Everyone should certainly make their own decision and there is NO advice in this message, but my personal level of concern about safety in this area has returned to the same level as the days before the shooting. Having said this…

I don’t really understand why we haven’t seen anything from the RPD at this point, which is really frustrating. Is there anyone at RPD HQ who is able to put themself in the metaphorical shoes of nearby residents as well as owners and patrons of nearby businesses? It’s really not that difficult to put out a statement about whether the suspect is still at large and if the public should be concerned. Shit, I’ll volunteer for the job if nobody is getting paid to do it.



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Pontiac_Pilate t1_j9wwlud wrote

People get shot or stabbed at that 7-11 occasionally. This isn’t a big deal.


WhalerBum t1_j9wwzor wrote

The general public should not be concerned.


opienandm OP t1_j9wzvag wrote

I think you missed the point. I believe the suspect is known and there is no danger to the public from people who were involved.

I just want the RPD to make a statement, not just in this case, but in all cases where they know that the suspect is no longer a risk to the public. Shit, they didn’t even say whether or not suspects were at large with respect to several murders over the past few weeks. Is it so difficult to say, “The suspect is <known/unknown> and/or <at large/apprehended>”?!?

I’ll make it a Google form that any officer can fill out in 15 seconds.


bigdawgwhatup t1_j9xqzwf wrote

Kind of weird OP that you’ve made 3 posts about this one particular shooting but none about the dozens of shootings in Gilpin/Mosby/Hillside/etc that occur every year. You live in a city. Shit happens. If there was any ongoing danger then you would know about it.


socoyankee t1_j9xw1e9 wrote

If 911 actually answers in the city right now that would be a step in the right direction currently. Calling 911 and holding for 30 minutes is incomprehensible


JoeSabo t1_j9y1ef9 wrote

No police force anywhere does this. Why qoukd you expect RPD to? They're too busy framing people for mass shootings and inflicting brain injuries on innocent autistic kids to do anything helpful.


ApocalypticShadowbxn t1_j9y2ecu wrote

we have murders regularly all over the city. certain areas have multiple murders happen over the course of months or even weeks. those areas don't get constant updates after every murder, so why is this one supposed to get more shared info & statements than other areas/neighborhoods get?

I am one of the people tht criticizes our police constantly & will gladly point out lots of reasons I believe there needs to be major changes, but the inability to give daily updates about one specific murder isn't something I'm gonna jump behind when there are much bigger communication issues tht RPD has problems with.


Baby_Beluga t1_j9y5ui2 wrote

This is some entitled and vastly ignorant shit, lol.


Proper-Ad4006 t1_j9y7w4p wrote

Not praising our police department, but I really do think if they genuinely thought that this was an ongoing danger to the public and we were all at risk of being murdered if we set foot near that area, they would have said something. Safe to assume no comment about risk level is a good thing.


opienandm OP t1_j9y83gh wrote

>Kind of weird OP that you’ve made 3 posts about this one particular shooting but none about the dozens of shootings in Gilpin/Mosby/Hillside/etc that occur every year.

It’s not weird at all. I don’t have residents of any of those neighborhoods hitting me up for information, nor do I have information on the vast majority of those shootings which indicate that there is additional information which could be probably be made available to the public without risk to an investigation. And I don’t think you’ve done a very thorough job of reviewing my posts about shitty police communications. I don’t limit my criticism about this to one area of the city.

>You live in a city. Shit happens.

What a refreshing change of perspective. /s

It’s almost as if you don’t want the police to do better.

>If there was any ongoing danger then you would know about it.

Now you’re getting into comedic territory. That’s hilarious, particularly given the years of lies we’ve heard from the RPD. Oh, you were serious about that?

You live in a city. Shit happens.


opienandm OP t1_j9y8rkd wrote

Meanwhile, pressers are held to spread lies. It’s laughable that you use this argument in light of the VAST amounts of commentary the RPD has made over the past two years.

In general, I agree with the ongoing investigation commentary thing, however please explain how an investigation would be compromised or any additional litigation risk beyond what the RPD already seems comfortable with would be incurred by stating: “Our investigation continues and we believe the any risk to the public as a direct result of this incident has passed.”


big-heck-nah t1_j9y9fqk wrote

Look at this dork offering to be a volunteer cop


opienandm OP t1_j9y9h9l wrote

You’re kidding about the first sentence, right? Police departments are constantly stating whether or not someone was apprehended, if a suspect or person of interest has been identified and if there is any risk to the public. It happens daily all over this country.

Did you know that RPD has people who are paid to do these sorts of things? I mean, it’s actually their job. And at least one of them was a well-known journalist in Richmond prior to joining the RPD.

This is one of the reasons why I expect more.


opienandm OP t1_j9y9zpu wrote

Did you know that RPD has people who are paid to do these sorts of things? I mean, it’s actually their job. And at least one of them was a well-known journalist in Richmond prior to joining the RPD.

This is one of the reasons why I expect more. It’s baffling to me that people think this is an unusual expectation. Sure, on the order of the list of problems with the RPD has, it’s certainly lower on the list of priorities. But there are people we are paying to do this very job, and only this job.


Ditovontease t1_j9ya3wk wrote

Fucking meh bro. Shit like this happens all the time. Just because it’s ~the fan~ doesn’t mean that it’s immune from violent crime.


rva-ModTeam t1_j9yc14g wrote

This content has been removed as it is considered rabble rousing, trolling, brigading, and/or inauthentic discourse. We encourage good-faith discussions from anyone, but we do not like jerks. If you're going to be the Jerk of the Year, please don't do that here.

Do not use alt or brand new throwaway accounts to manipulate votes, attack another user, avoid a previous ban or moderator action, or artificially-inflate comments with similar views.


itsmesaddad t1_j9ygigh wrote

Yea you sound like a volunteer cop. Mind ya beeswax


ginger354 t1_j9yovul wrote

That's probably due to their lack of dispatchers, they are extremely understaffed as well as other jurisdictions with regards to dispatchers. There's not enough people to answer the phones.


DustySleeve t1_j9yq3mk wrote

Because deep down, americans are at least 2 generations deep into the sanctimony of national brands. 7/11 is supposed to be a safe haven for convenient trash we all have a right to. I mean heavens, i might stop there with my kids in back of my late model suburban on the way to a rams game. If, for instance, a local shop with gaming machines and other cultural elements deemed undesirable to screen dwelling yuppies attracts violence, shut er down. Mcdonalds/exxon a lil hot? More cops! Protec american industriousness! As if they didnt used to camp out there... Being close enough to our benevolent benefactor vcu for students to wander across probably exacerbates the affront to a sense of security service as an inalienable right. Its also on one of the most beaten paths for commuters, people naturally feel a small sense of ownership over their regular haunts and travels.

Hopefully the /s bits are obvious but there ya go.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j9yrc35 wrote

We need more police. With better training. Who are paid more


mize68 t1_j9ytgz5 wrote

You want an update, there is no update. When RPD makes an arrest on this, the public will be the first to know. RPD has great pics of the guy and the car used, he WILL be found. Remember the shooting last week on W. Broad St. RPD had great pics of the suspect vehicle used. The car was found within days, and the shooter was arrested. RPD put out the arrest on TV, saying he was arrested. When the 7-11 shooter IS caught, RPD will also be out the arrest.


sleevieb t1_j9yu36l wrote

First of all “no risk to the public” suggests they are a risk to a different group of people which is othering some poor black people so you can assuge your own paranoia and anxiety.

Second of all you don’t know why a cooperating witness or co conspirator or whoever would come forward. Maybe they fear for the life.

What if someone involved in this incident shoots it out in the street and clips a civilian. Now the cops own words are back to haunt them.

I can’t believe you got me defending rpd lol this is just common sense.

And yeah they make up terrorist attacks to justify going to war against their own citizens over protests of mass destruction but dude also lost his job and fucked his career up on that one. Trust Stoney and get balogned


IronGiants1973 t1_j9yuya7 wrote

It’s strange that so little information has been released and that local media are barely covering it. I don’t track details of murders in the city so I can’t the coverage of different than usual. Like the OP this one caught my attention because it happened in the neighborhood where I live.


justbecauseiluvthis t1_j9z1dvr wrote

well, let's say 50 a year go unsolved. Times that by 10 years, that's 50 murders unsolved. Math is easy on this one. Chances are, if you live in the city, someone you pass on your daily has killed someone.

Shootings are 3-4 times the amount that actually die, so in the people you pass everyday, there are 3-4 times the amount of people that have shot someone.

EDIT: Bad math, I was thining of the more than 100 murders we have per year, times 10. Thank you for the correction.


kneel_yung t1_j9z2gjd wrote

Honestly I think it's kinda cringe when people freak out about crime in the white parts of the city but don't say a word when something happens in Fulton and carver and mosby, etc.

It's a city. Guns are legal. Ergo people are gonna shoot each other. You're just pearl clutching cause you're white and want the crime to go back to the black parts of the city "where it belongs"

Richmonds violent crime rate isn't particularly bad. According to us news, we are below average. And that's with our stats being higher than they should be since we don't include surrounding counties like most metro areas (cities are parts of counties in every state except va)


socoyankee t1_j9z65kc wrote

They could have an option for life threatening push one and an operator holds a non life threatening call or the dispatcher says hold to answer and ask if it's life threatening.

Alternatively, the State Police could run assist on dispatch, we have a Governor, between our Mayor, Governor, and Board of Supervisors this is not something as taxpayers we should accept any excuse for btw.

Richmond City is experiencing the longest wait times.

My grandmother and aunt were dispatchers so I know the three shifts offered to them and how their schedule works.

Yes they are under paid, however paid more than rural counterparts, where you have to wait for volunteers for fire and emt after an emergency call.


I_AM_RVA t1_j9z6w0e wrote


First, there aren’t 50 unsolved a year. You just made that up. Even if there were, 50 a year doesn’t equal 1000 over ten years. You said “math is easy on this one,” but I think you actually had a great deal of difficulty with 50 x 10. And even still, having 50 unsolved on a year over year basis — which there are not — does not mean that those continue to go unsolved forever. Also, even if there were 50, which there aren’t, you have no idea who does the murders. You can’t assume it’s one person per murder, that’s stupid. You can’t assume they all live here, either, that’s stupid. You also can’t assume that they would stay here after a murder! So, to sum up, you made some shit up, did basic math wrong, made several illogical assumptions, and then said something really inflammatory and wrong. There are NOT thousands of murderers walking around and you do NOT walk by one every day.

Your comment is atrocious and ought to be moderated, frankly.


justbecauseiluvthis t1_j9z8mkd wrote

Ummm... I cited my source, and it's consistent. We don't just cap existence at 10 year chunks, there are murders from 20,30+ years ago. You were right I was sleepy on the math, still adds up over time. Well if we presume murderers are coming in from outside the city (that's 'stupid,' most murders are committed by people the victim knew,) so if there are other cities in the US, it's safe to presume if all these people are also moving after they murder, an equal number are leaving their city and coming here after their murder.

I'm sorry, but yes, the city has countless unsolved murders, feel free to fact check how many unsolved murders have been in RVA over the past 50 years.

You keep saying 'assume,' and 'stupid,' yet you have not cited a single thing, it's all your uncomfortable cognitive dissonance over the city having murderers in it. Just don't piss people off is my advice.


JosefDerArbeiter t1_j9zdo66 wrote

You sound hyper-focused on the public safety in your own geographical vicinity. Let me guess, you live <2 blocks away from Broad & Meadow in the Fan?


justbecauseiluvthis t1_j9zg7hv wrote

I agree, just try getting through to any of them. If they hire through Richmond City, it may say hiring, but there literally is no human resources department. They may have left one or two people if I recall.

The real problem is money and job stress. Obviously anyone who wanted that job figured out how bad it sucked and wasn't worth it, otherwise it would be in demand. I would totally consider doing it if it wasn't so tied to police, and it paid well. It's a great way to serve the community, but the community has to take care of its people. Living wages keep people where they are qualified to be, in jobs they are good at and may minimally enjoy or find fulfillment in.

The best thing to petition for, if you get an audience, is higher wages, and not by a little bit.


opienandm OP t1_j9zjsng wrote

Seriously, take some reading comprehension classes. I’ll summarize the post using small words:

I’m not worried at all. I have inside info which tells me so. I think that information should be shared widely by an official source. RPD communications suck.


opienandm OP t1_j9zsyl3 wrote

I’m with you on the second point, which has been proven over and over and over. The third point is actually a function of the second (higher qualifications and requirements), so I agree with you on that point as long as the second thing happens.

I’m not sure the first is true, however. If the job is scoped to leverage the higher skill set 90% of the time, I don’t know that you need more police. I think about all the parking/traffic enforcement/control, busting of pot shops, and general over policing which occurs and think about how those jobs could likely be done by others, with police involvement when warranted.

One of my theories is that the public is conditioned to assume that the police are the answer to far wider set of problems than would be true IF the construct of how to achieve/maintain public safety were different. It would take a pretty significant restructuring of our systems, and there doesn’t seem to be a huge appetite amongst the power players to do so.


opienandm OP t1_j9zuqt6 wrote

So I’m supposed to supervise them now? That’s another thing someone else is getting paid to do. I’m stupefied that people are actually arguing against the idea that people who work for RPD should actually do their job. They should do it for this shooting as well as any other shooting where a suspect was not immediately apprehended.

What would you say if a police department issued a statement like this: “A violent prisoner escaped from a maximum security prison today. Please call us if you have any information. We have no other information to release at this time.”


GrumpyNewYorker t1_ja12s3h wrote

Hey. Putting words in italics doesn’t make them true. Switzerland would have similar gun violence stats if access to firearms was the root cause of our problems. There are progressive policies that can fix those problems, but shredding the Constitution just a little bit ain’t one of them.


wayoutwest85 t1_ja7tl47 wrote

So the cops showed up about 2 minutes after the shooting. The crime itself might be normal but gd was it frightening and absolutely not cool. No point in making it about anything other than a murder, Richmond is a tiny ass city. I’m just confused about how providing an update is bad, how many of you have been less than 100 ft. from a murder at 11am? You all sound like yuppies who like to bitch on laptops all day, and provide zero community support. I’m pretty sure all of the people, whose family members have been pointlessly murdered, want updates.