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groundcontrol3 t1_je5n2mn wrote

Did you ask the guy if he was spraying herbicides? If the city is trying to get grass to grow he could be spraying a nutrient/water mixture on top of some recently spread grass seed.


guiltyofnothing t1_je5oc11 wrote

Agreed. This could be a whooooole lotta things, no necessarily herbicides.


MrPlowThatsTheName t1_je68ahy wrote

That looks like fresh dirt he’s spraying so this is the most likely explanation. And this is the perfect time to try to grow new grass before the serious heat and sun begins.


Maleficent_Habit_571 t1_je851mn wrote

I used to work at VA green. It's nutrients. OP is just saying what they want because the internet.


clickclackkayak t1_je69gmz wrote

He was asked it and was "non selective herbicide" and he told the families and children that it was for the "weeds"


mah658 OP t1_jebak2q wrote

Yes, did ask, and was told non-selective herbicide to kill weeds.