Submitted by Sweetnspicy77 t3_1276goy in rva
Extension-Smell-7948 t1_jed5m8l wrote
Want to protest gun violence? Start by removing all republicans from your life. Gun safety is a partisan issue. The cult of the Republican Party doesn’t give one shit about gun violence. Tell your friends, neighbors, coworkers, family members, etc to stay out of your life. When they ask why, tell them it’s because they are literally voting people in power who couldn’t give less of a shit about your life.
Tayl44 t1_jee42yx wrote
This is a truth. I don’t know why you are getting downvoted.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_jeeaz57 wrote
Could be that there are democrats and liberals who also like guns. Most of the people I know who are gun enthusiasts vote blue.
Tayl44 t1_jeecn69 wrote
No idea. I’ve lived quite a few places and I’ve never met anyone who voted blue who wasn’t for the AR ban.
The previous poster is right, tho. They literally don’t care about children. They’d rather ban books.
BurkeyTurger t1_jegc2ld wrote
Hello, consistent blue voter here, haven't missed an election since the 2012 primary. AWBs aren't going to solve shit, you're just going to see them switch to loadouts like Cho's.
jeb_hoge t1_jeeuzf6 wrote
I remember talking with one person who said she'd rather have her friends catch her with a sack of dildoes than a box of ammo for her pistol.
3FoxInATrenchcoat t1_jefahb2 wrote
Because it’s inflammatory and a broad brush stroke across a segment of our population that most of us have direct relationships with on a familial and friend level who we know don’t “not care about gun violence”. They do care. Everyone cares, but the Republicans have aligned to the NRA who have propagandized the concept that any restriction to guns, ammunition, and accessories is a direct assault on the Constitutional right outlined in Amendment number 2 and will be a slippery slope of an eventual undoing of that Amendment…but that furthermore and most importantly that the gun violence problem is not a “gun problem” but a societal problem or mental health problem and so by reducing access to guns and the above we are not effectively addressing gun violence. I AM NOT saying that I personally believe that stance but that’s the breakdown of the debate from their perspective, and if we the democrats want to continue to advocate for solutions we do the problem solving no favors by stating “Republicans don’t give a shit about gun violence”. It’s like the same thing as when Republicans tell us Democrats we want access to abortions so we can kill babies. It’s inflammatory, inaccurate, a mischaracterization of the democrat’s stance, and breaks down all communication related to problem solving.
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