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eziam t1_jdb0do7 wrote

Yep. Western Henrico does a great job of starting and following I.E.P.s. I know from first hand experience.


Soloemilia t1_jdb0t4h wrote

I know you know it hurt me to give western Henrico as the best and ONLY option. But it’s the truth right now.


eziam t1_jdb19yq wrote

Keep fighting to good fight over at RPS! I mean western Henrico isn't perfect, hell no school system is. We have bullying, dumbasses bring weapons, and entitlement.


Soloemilia t1_jdb1l7n wrote

Thanks friend! That really means a lot. These kids deserve good things too, and if people could remove their heads from their rear ends we could get there sooner!!


szeis4cookie t1_jdcpr0w wrote

Agreed - I want for the kids at RPS and the rest of Henrico County be supported at the same level that mine have been.