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raindeerpie t1_je0110u wrote

Reply to comment by Ask_RE_questions in RVA vs. Evernest by harpervn

as is the owners right. What demonrealm said is still accurate though.


Ask_RE_questions t1_je03ag5 wrote

Come lease a property from me and test your knowledge out.


raindeerpie t1_je0hdjg wrote

ok? what will that prove? I'm sure everything will be done by the law as demon realm stated. or are you implying that you will be intentionally breaking the law to prove a point?


Daemonrealm t1_je0wmip wrote

Thank you for self identifying yourself as a slumlord that is apart of the problem in Richmond.

No you can not threaten tenants and you will be charged with harassment or assault if you do.

No you can not “test our knowledge out” or we will sue you civilly or bring criminal charges.

No you can not illegally use any means just because you own a property and want a tenant out.

Please test us. I have legal teams standing by and already retained for tenants just for individuals such as yourself.


harpervn OP t1_je1565p wrote

Might need to keep you on my contact list regarding your resources.


[deleted] t1_jeao885 wrote



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