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owlparliamentarian t1_jdzxfsh wrote

Poll working again for our second special election in as many months-- this time for residents of the old 9th State Senate District (not the new one! this is very confusing!) to replace now-Representative McClellan for the veto and budget work remaining in the General Assembly this year. The winner will serve for all of eight months or so and immediately have to campaign in the new district, but margins in the Senate are slim and there will probably be some important votes on gubernatorial amendments and such before the GA's work is done.

It's been sleepy as hell so far, unsurprisingly for a serial special election to elect a state legislator to a bare stub of a remnant term, but I'm hoping we see a bit more turnout after folks get off work.

On days I'm NOT doing that, I'm a fan of Libby Hill at sunset this time of year, or taking our sweet doofus of a dog for a decently long hike someplace we can avoid seeing too many other dogs (she loves humans but isn't a fan of most other canines).


rivercitymo t1_jdzygpt wrote

Thank you for serving. I was the sixth voter at my precinct at 7am. Hope you brought copious amounts of caffeine and reading material!


owlparliamentarian t1_je02afg wrote

My thermos and Kindle are both full! Had to beg my husband to bring the container of cereal I forgot at home in a bleary panic at 4:55 am. Thankfully he's the best.


raindeerpie t1_je01kxy wrote

is it the normal voting places for this special election too?


owlparliamentarian t1_je0266j wrote

Yes! Unlike the party-run primaries, this election is being run by the Boards of Election like usual, so vote wherever your normal polling place is!


foxcat505 t1_je09q8h wrote

Thanks for the reminder - I think we’ve had special election overkill but hopefully more people show up. I will get myself over there before the polls close 😫


wojtaj t1_je1zyg3 wrote

I understand the irony in asking you to share your spot, but as someone with a dog who also isn't a huge fan of others, would you share any hints on good hiking spots?


owlparliamentarian t1_je25w6n wrote

It's tough! We've had good experiences at Byrd Park, away from Barker Field-- or close enough to play "dog park tv," where we lavish her with treats for looking at the dogs but not freaking out. The best spot we found when we lived on the Southside was Drewry's Bluff. It's a good loop through the woods, some river views, and almost never any other dogs. Only problem is that the trail in is the same as the trail out, so if you run into trouble there you don't have as many ways to dodge. On the north side, Bryan Park is good at off hours, especially if you stick around the lakes and are decently good at spotting dogs far off.