Hello neighbors. I drive a 2014 Golf. I was recently quoted to have my rear brakes and rotors replaced. The mechanic told me that with Volkswagens, when you replace the brakes, you NEED to replace the rotors also. And that would cost me $760, including labor. Is this true? This was at the dealership on Midlothian, so I'm not sure if that's the true cost or a major upsell/price gouge. Does anyone have any feedback or mechanic recommendations? I need to get my brakes changed soon but i don't want to be taken advantage of. Thanks in advance!
Ms-Pamplemousse t1_jasd5z2 wrote
The rotor/brake combo is common for a lot of cars, not just VWs
jeb_hoge t1_jasfi86 wrote
For rear brakes...I think I've heard that a lot before. Rears generally are smaller/thinner rotors and I don't think they can be turned (meaning shaved down to even them out) like front rotors can. In fact, as I think about it, I think I'd be more concerned if a shop tried to convince you it was okay to go without replacing the rear rotors. Do you really want to possibly compromise your brakes?
twelvesteprevenge t1_jasjnlb wrote
There are tolerances/thicknesses which determine whether rotors and pads need to be replaced. Any mechanic who makes a blanket statement one way or the other (i.e. “rotors always need to be replaced with pads”) is to be regarded with suspicion.
i_need_a_lift t1_jasqd8d wrote
You'll get better answers if you post this in a VW subreddit instead of the Richmond one. https://www.reddit.com/r/vwgolf/
RunningThenReversing t1_jasy5ia wrote
I’ve paid $760 for the same thing back in 2015 and didn’t feel ripped off then, but a quick search on RockAuto is showing a bunch of different options for $75-$150 range. Times have changed.
If the place you went is using all OEM(original factory spec) sure - $760. If your goal is to get it done cheaper and aren’t someone who’s needlessly obsessed with keeping everything OEM, it might be worth calling a couple different shops. It shouldn’t take a VW specific mechanic for a brake job.
jeb_hoge t1_jathuji wrote
If the book calls for always replacing rear rotors and pads together, that's what the mechanic is going to say every time.
twelvesteprevenge t1_jatiz1b wrote
Really? How many mechanics do you know? I’ve rebuilt a couple of VWs and have VW mechanic friends and with the exception of the one who works for Flow I’m pretty sure all of them would say that’s bullshit.
jeb_hoge t1_jatj8j0 wrote
What, you want a list? FOH...
twelvesteprevenge t1_jatjdmm wrote
You’re the one making a claim, friend. I’m just saying that rotors and pads in the referenced car need not be changed at the same time and that’s just a fact.
jeb_hoge t1_jatkb3d wrote
Fine. A mechanic friend formerly at Import Auto Haus, a service manager at Jerry's Ford who oversaw recalls on a car I owned, a manager at Royal Service Center in Alexandria who took care of two of my cars, and a buddy of mine from a car club whose dad owned a garage that we used to use for car modding all have talked with me about book rate and service policies. Believe me or not, I don't care, but it's how the industry works.
jeb_hoge t1_jatkzh9 wrote
And to be specific, I'm talking REARS, not fronts.
twelvesteprevenge t1_jatl8z8 wrote
If you say so. If any one of them gave you the referenced bullshit when you took your car in I’d recommend taking your business elsewhere because not everybody is out to milk money on unnecessary repairs.
jeb_hoge t1_jatlyok wrote
Yeah. The guys not charging me for work were really screwing me over.
twelvesteprevenge t1_jatmexq wrote
If you knew so much you wouldn’t have somebody else doing your brake job. You do you, though.
jeb_hoge t1_jatmiye wrote
Who said I was getting brakes done?
twelvesteprevenge t1_jatwg2h wrote
We’re talking about brakes here. I’d say stay with the program but I’m out of capacity to care. I was just trying to steer OP right.
Smiziley t1_javtk2h wrote
Jesus you two, just use a micrometer and compare the measurement to the minimum spec.
Cuda14 t1_jb0emyu wrote
Take a look at your rotors - rub your finger from the outer lip, across the surface toward the middle. Two things you’re really looking for here;
- is there a noticeable deep lip on the rim of rotor? This could be indicative of a worn down rotor and consider replacement
- while running fingers across surfaces - is it smooth or do you feel waves? If it feels wavy, indication of needing replacement.
Another thing you can try, kinda inconclusive IMO - but go for a drive and try steadily applying the brakes. If you feel a pulsing, jagged feeling, something not smooth - could be a sign of rotors being warped/worn.
Look up some YT and you should be able to do a second opinion inspection yourself with a fair degree of confidence.
FalloutRip t1_jasb2wo wrote
If you're talking about Brown's I've generally had very good service there without being upsold, which is pretty uncommon for dealers. That said, it's absolutely not true that the rotors MUST be replaced with the pads - pads wear out much faster than rotors.
However, given your car is 8-9 years old if the rotors have not been changed before it is definitely possible they are close to end of life and worth changing now. It can't hurt to get a second opinion from another shop.