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ITMORON t1_jckalx6 wrote

Took a personal day as I have been sleeping extra shitty lately. Its been a week.


manyamile t1_jckgsih wrote

Poor sleep is the worst and it affects everything and everyone around you. You have my sympathy.


ITMORON t1_jckickf wrote

Thank you.

I am seeing a neurologist FINALLY! It only took a fucking YEAR!

They think that it could be several things, as somone here posted the last time I complained about lack of sleep PLMD may be the cause. I kick and thrash and vocalize violently at night. No arm movement, just legs, and its bad. Really bad. Normally I am not consious or even aware that its happening. Last night I was semi consious and it was happening for hours and it was scary as fuck to be perfectly honest.

Sleep study has been ordered, we will take it from there.

At least the doc ruled out ALS. My wife's mom had that, for about 6 months. We all know where that shit end. I couldnt bare to put her through something like that. This is bad enough, it affects both our sleep, moods, cognition. I am glad that she is at a convention out of town so she will get some shut eye while Im swimming in bed at night.

I look forward to a nights sleep, it will be a thing of beauty.


PercyDovetonsils t1_jcl1y15 wrote

Congratulations on getting in to see your neurologist! It only took me six months to see mine to confirm I have idiopathic peripheral neuropathy and that nothing can be done for it. Yay me. He also referred me to a rheumatologist that I can't see until November. What in the heck is up with these long lead times to see a doctor?