Submitted by Derigiberble t3_127lggv in rva

I noticed that stores are putting Easter lily plants and flower arrangements out and I wanted to give all cat butlers a heads up that lilies are incredibly toxic to cats. Even grooming lily pollen off their fur can cause kidney failure, so cats that don't chew on plants are in danger too.

If anyone sees Francine make sure she's not anywhere near any lilies.



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mockingjay137 t1_jeerdl1 wrote

A lot of flowers and plants are! My boyfriend picked me some daffodils from his yard and luckily I googled it and turns out daffodils are toxic to cats as well!

Edit: I decided to Google again and found this ultimate list of plants that are toxic for cats! In the intro it states that for some of these plants only one part of the plant is toxic (i.e. flowers, roots, seeds etc) but the list rules out the entire plant just to be safe (it does not specify which part of which plants are the toxic parts).


princessofbeasts t1_jeeuv0k wrote

While we’re on the subject, most aromatherapy essential oils are also toxic to cats. Vaporizing them in your home has the potential to lead to illness and death.


FARTBOSS420 t1_jeex058 wrote

Owning (aka being owned by a cat) means you can get out of paying 3000% markup Easter flowers??

Hell yeah. Thank you Charlotte the Cat.


cutejnny t1_jeezk71 wrote

Also be careful with that fake grass they use in Easter baskets and make sure your kitty doesn't eat it


Derigiberble OP t1_jef0ex5 wrote

Yeah a lot of those lists of toxic plants suck because they don't really distinguish between "turns the litterbox into a superfund site when ingested in large quantities" and "deadly to be around".

If your cat isn't one to monch on random plants you can keep a pretty large variety of flowers and plants.

My favorite go-to safe flower is zinnias. Sunflowers are nice but drop a lot of pollen.


Derigiberble OP t1_jef16vq wrote

Definitely! If they do eat some and you notice it um... hanging out... just trim it close with a pair of scissors and pay attention to see if your pet is acting off in any way and you need to call a vet.

Never pull anything string-like out of either end of an animal or human since that can cause very nasty internal injury. This is more of a problem with cats because their tongues make it very hard for them not to swallow a string-like object if they get it in their mouth.


maddmoxxiie t1_jef2joo wrote

Snapdragons, sunflowers, gerber daisies, roses, asters, orchids, zinnias, freesia, wax flower, thistle, and celosia are all cat safe flowers that can fill the cut flower void in your life!


chairmanbrando t1_jefdfmw wrote

It's probably also worth pointing out that they're called "essential" because they're the "essence" of a given thing -- not because they're essential in any way. It's snake oil with a fancy name. Just get a $2 candle instead. 🙃


zoeypantalones t1_jefhx5v wrote

I hope Francine keeps away from them in the Lowes garden section!