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easy_Money t1_jczfsdx wrote

Right... how tf am I supposed to explain Trader Joe's hierarchies?


RulerOfTheRest t1_jd0o1o9 wrote

Well, you see, in the 1960's the brothers that own Aldi got into a fight, something about selling cigarettes in the stores where one brother was for it and the other against it, so they split the companies into Aldi Nord (north) and Aldi Süd (you guessed it: south). Fast forward into the 70's and the brother that owns Aldi Nord bought this tiny grocery chain based in Californian called Trader Joe's and expanded that throughout the United States. Around this time, the brother that owns Aldi Süd attempted to operate some stores in the US under the Aldi name, but that incarnation failed and quietly went away, until they reorganized a plan and launched the Aldi we know and love today. So in the hierarchy of things, Trader Joe's would be the nephew of the US version of Aldi...