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AgreeableRaspberry85 t1_jcc45bx wrote

Better than nothing, but I’ve heard nothing but horror stories about Spirit, from the hidden fees to the unruly passengers and the cramped seats.


Training_Narwhal8779 t1_jccx8d5 wrote

Iv been flying with them forever and lots. They haven't ever fxcked me over, other airlines have. Southwest fxcked me the most, I will still fly with them if they r the cheapest.

To me, the fees aren't hidden and it's optional, except for bags but most airlines charge for bags but yeah 40lb only. I'd recommend for people to buy the lightest and largest possible suitcase u can use as checked baggage on plane, or Carry on, whatever you prefer.

I'm 5'6 so the seats don't bother me. Never encountered unruly passengers luckily, and iv flown at least 60 times with spirit


njbrews t1_jcd157z wrote

It’s fine honestly. I wouldn’t do it for anything more than like 4 hours but to avoid a layover it’s worth it.


SuicideNote t1_jcdnnrd wrote

Not Spirit, but booked a direct with Frontier and they last minute gave me a long layover switch-a-roo.


hooforce OP t1_jcd5f5s wrote

Breeze Airways would be the alternative for nonstop flights to LAS from RIC, so if you don't prefer Spirit, there is always Breeze; however, Breeze is not flying daily...yet, so you lose some flexibility to fly whenever you want.