what-the-what24 t1_jeckhl6 wrote
Hims so hansomes. So jelly!!!
SaltyEggPepperman t1_jecszwf wrote
So freakin cute
thevampirechrysalis t1_ject1j0 wrote
Hoooooo is that?
Flex_Bacontrim t1_jecxjqu wrote
David Bowie?
Imaginary_Sky_ t1_jecyn0g wrote
Eroll has a message
Chickenmoons t1_jed13wj wrote
Who cooks for you?
3FoxInATrenchcoat t1_jed1iil wrote
Great picture! I just never get tired of seeing owls either, they’re just suddenly present but they’ve been watching you the whole time.
Fecapult t1_jed1q2b wrote
Goblin King!!
10000Didgeridoos t1_jed7nby wrote
I always love when you sometimes hear an owl late at night when it's dead quiet around you
raheemthegreat t1_jeds43u wrote
Hoo hoot! Link... Look up here! It appears that the time has finally come for you to start your adventure! You will encounter many hardships ahead... That is your fate. Don't feel discouraged, even during the toughest times! Go straight this way and you will see the only good Publix in Richmond. You will meet a princess there... If you are lost and don't know which way to go, look at the Map. The areas you have explored will be shown on the map. Press START to enter the subscreens and Z or R to find the map. On the map subscreen, you will also see a flahing dot showing you which way to go next. Did you get all that Yes/No
brimpol t1_jee4lm4 wrote
So I live very near 3 chopt, In a neighborhood between that and Patterson. The last like week ago I think, we've been hearing an owl super loudly during the night/morning at various times. So loud in fact that, to me, it sounded like it was coming from inside my house. My partner heard it and thought it was a person outside our house pretending to make owl noises because 1) it was that loud and 2) it almost sounded comically cartoony. Like an over the top owl noise.
Needless to say, I've been looking for it but never seen it. I wonder if this is that owl? Or maybe it's mate or something?
wil_dogg t1_jee68kf wrote
r/superbowl for the win!
Page-This t1_jeelry3 wrote
About thirty years late, but I wouldn’t care…would still show up bright eyed and bushy tail’d at Hogwarts for my first day!
RobRVA t1_jeeogok wrote
Thanks for posting this it makes my day I absolutely love owls and all the other birds of prey
FlailingOctane t1_jef9d3t wrote
did you folks know that a certain someone that regularly posts to r/Rva does an impeccable owl impression?
Koko__Nut t1_jefellm wrote
BenSkrrt t1_jefeps9 wrote
barred owl <3
stereosoundagent t1_jefxksi wrote
There’s an owl family that shows up every spring on east valley drive near me. Could be them.
brimpol t1_jeg3ql3 wrote
Could be. I'm not far from that road currently.
bruxalle t1_jecez3d wrote
Very cool!