shalomfromus t1_jd357z0 wrote
etulip13 t1_jd38wyk wrote
Ah, thought you spammed me with the same link over and over since the post was downvoted. Thanks for sharing these.
shalomfromus t1_jd395dr wrote
Nah. It’s a pretty common question. Click the links. I’m sure you’ll find some good options.
etulip13 t1_jd38bb9 wrote
That post is from almost a year ago, forgive me for asking for updated information. It also doesn’t really contain any good information about spots.
shalomfromus t1_jd38mvw wrote
You’re absolutely correct! I searched the word “remote” and just glanced at that post. I THINK the other 6 posts I linked might help, though.
Power_Blaster t1_jd479jo wrote
This sub is for people that are here all day everyday.
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