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I_AM_RVA t1_itvt8nn wrote

I am answering you from INSIDE a corn maze. I entered this corn maze three days ago. Thankfully, I packed an extra battery before I came in here, so my phone has held out. In the mornings I lick from the dewy leaves for moisture. I grow hungry. Send help!


gleepgloopgleepgloop t1_itw09jb wrote

If only there was some sort of food to forage in that corn maze...


I_AM_RVA t1_itwgv4w wrote

I have destroyed and eaten my three companions as well as four other people who were stuck in here. The corn is deep and tomorrow never comes.


gleepgloopgleepgloop t1_itwubkb wrote

Any chance you've recently had a run-in with King Minos?


I_AM_RVA t1_itwxwp7 wrote

I hate Minos. Yet Minos feeds me. He is my shame as I am his. Another young one has entered the corn maze. Minos feeds me. The maze has no end.


goodsam2 t1_itwrswu wrote

Actually I think most corn mazes are field corn which is dried on the stalk. They are planted as close as it can get and is for bulk products like corn for feeding other animals.

The corn you buy from the store is planted in very tidy rows and more expensive. But also tastier.


gleepgloopgleepgloop t1_itwvcii wrote

You are correct, but I definitely take cattle corn over starving.

But it's all good, the OP copped to being a minotaur so he's going to have a lifetime supply of Athenian virgins to munch on.


I_AM_RVA t1_itz5rvm wrote

*THE Minotaur. I am the only one of my kind.