benuski OP t1_iuaplyd wrote
dustinator t1_iuazi0d wrote
I glanced at the thumbnail and thought it was the guy at the tattoo shop in front of Kroger
sinyre t1_iugfomi wrote
My favorite one is "SALT LIFE" lolol
fusion260 t1_iuaa1l4 wrote
Zap that thirst!
ChuckBS t1_iuazuno wrote
Patrolling the James almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter.
wet_beefy_fartz t1_iuasvlh wrote
greenmachinefiend t1_iuav9ny wrote
Fallout Fandom spilling out into real life! Love to see it!
LostMyLedger t1_iufrv0y wrote
Is your name reference to naked green machine smoothie?
greenmachinefiend t1_iuh16wa wrote
No, afraid not. It's a reference to the band Kyuss.
sunflowercola t1_iuc3sg1 wrote
Me too! I have a great framed Nuka Cola Ad and no one ever recognizes it
Dairy_Seinfeld t1_iub3l81 wrote
The many fallout subs would love this OP
misterhamtastic t1_iuba470 wrote
Someone was flying an NCR flag on Broad last year at the new apartments.
Ralof_0f_Riverwood t1_iue511w wrote
Ain’t that a kick in the head
vtbeavens t1_iuarw8u wrote
Paging /u/mentatminds
Rodzilla_Blood t1_iud67m0 wrote
Because of this I'm gonna do a vaultec car
User-NetOfInter t1_iuapjtx wrote
My man
pizza99pizza99 t1_iuatkrn wrote
I wanna do this now
juggnrob t1_iucb6hg wrote
Holy shit that’s awesome. I hope I see run into this guy one day.
Both-Internal-6970 t1_iucw2q7 wrote
Now all he needs is a Ford with a sunset sarsaparilla wrap
Ditovontease t1_iuabjvr wrote
I'm usually supremely unimpressed by the shit people put on their cars in mechanicsville but nice