Submitted by frgmntof5colmn t3_yhwbq8 in rva
I been stuck doing schoolwork all weekend. Tell me some genuine creepy stories of places in and around the city. RVA is weird so I know it can get weirder.
Submitted by frgmntof5colmn t3_yhwbq8 in rva
I been stuck doing schoolwork all weekend. Tell me some genuine creepy stories of places in and around the city. RVA is weird so I know it can get weirder.
Me too. Huge bummer watching everyone in their fun and sexy Halloween costumes bar hopping around carytown 🥲. Anyways I heard something about a huge train wreck and a vampire…somehow related.
Ah you’re talking about W.W. Pool. He’s buried in the Hollywood Cemetery. At least his mausoleum is. His grave had to be emptied along with his wife’s due to people breaking in and stealing body parts and such. Now people tend to just leave coins in the grate leading in.
Apparently the Byrd theatre is haunted by two ghosts (at the least) that have made themselves known. One is a little girl who hangs out in the women’s restroom and one is a former manager, Mr. Coulter, who ran the Byrd from 1928-1971.
The Byrd Pump House is allegedly haunted by Daniel Tetweiler (hung himself there), a Shade named Elizabeth, and “Spectra” a known woman in white.
Julep, the restaurant used to be a weapons shop and the former owner, a Mr. James McNaught, killed his assistant gunsmith at point blank range with a torpedo to his chest in 1826.
Tuckahoe Plantation… self explanatory there.
Cold Harbor battlefield, again… self explanatory. General Robert E Lee Celine rated one of his victories against Grant there and loads of people died.
There’s allegedly a werewolf in Highland Springs, out in Henrico roughly almost always seen around the Confederate Hills Rec Center. He’s reported to be around 6 feet tall, with the body of a man and the face of a wolf. Theorists believe he’s a lot like a Japanese Obake, a shapeshifting ghost meant to be the inspiration for Pennywise (as in he takes on the form of people’s fears) but he exists for one moment, you blink or look away and he’s gone.
And finally, the Richmond Vampire (which u/cinnamonotter22 mentioned)
Which Julep's location? The old one in the Bottom or main street?
Also, let's see the deets about the Highlands Springs werewolf.
Spooky! 🕸️
Somewhere on VCU’s medical campus is a location where there was a well full of human body parts.
The one in the Bottom. It’s Richmond’s oldest surviving commercial building.
Highland Springs werewolf**
Monumental Church / Richmond Theatre - I would be surprised if this place wasn't chock full of spirits!
"All but one of those individuals who perished in the fire were interred together in a common crypt that is located underneath the church. Monumental was designed and constructed to house the crypt and with the monument to these individuals as a focal point under the front portico. Every fire victim’s name is etched on the monument."
Sorry. Been kind of obsessed with vampires since I've been watching Interview with a Vampire.
This is the first time I've heard of that rumor. I grew up just outside of the Springs.
The closest haunted tales near me were the Shirley plantation stories, the West point light, and the Barhamsville House of Pain.
Okay fully understandable. But also… know of any places I can… sneaky link IWAV because I don’t have that streaming service and I ADORED the books.
Most of the sighting were way ago in the late 1800-early 1900s from what I know personally (my job is to legit find urban legends and mythological creatures stories) I suggest looking the HS Wolf up, you’ll find some crude sketches and such
The play that night was the bleeding nun..and its script is the rough outline for the corpse bride
Lots of spooky stories abound here in Richmond
I'm one of the brewers at Legend Brewing Company, and for the better part of a decade, we had a series of seasonal beers that we called the "Urban Legend" series, and they were all inspired by local folklore.
They all eventually turned into ghost stories.
The lost city of Richmond!
Okay.. this one has to do with Elko Tract in highland Springs.. the highland springs warewolf might figure into this.. if not? I'm sure we can shoehorn it in.
During WWII.. there was a fear that if the axis powers would invade the US. They would bomb the Norfolk navel station first.. head in land to hit targets of interst before bombing DC.. The airforce base at what is now Richmond International was thought to be one of those targets of interests. So the army made a 1/4scale replica of the airstrip a mile or more away and populated the area with dummy buildings that concealled anti-aircraft batteries. The idea was.. that if the invasion DID occur.. Richmond would go into blackout.. the dummy airstrip would be lit up. That the dummy strip was quarter scale, the bombadiers would mess up the timing of the charges, and the anti-aircraft placements would knock-out the bombers.
Flash forward...
This is now surplus property.. so the gubmint gives the land back to Virginia.. specifically Henrico county.. Central state hospital is looking for a new location, and this area of land is a prime candidate.. so the the country develops the property. Making roads and active sewer and water system complete with a water tower..
The local residents aren't keen to what was going to be a desegregated prison for the insane in their backyards, so an active campaign was made against it.
So henrico abandond the project, and let the property return to nature.
However. The airforce base was still right there.. and they patrolled the area.
Many a east end teenager would venture out to "the lost city" to make out, or other such activities to find a MP knocking on the window of the car telling them to skidaddle"
Since the airstrip.and asylum stuff had exited common knowledge..all types of theorys popped up about the area.. raging from secret atomic bunker for congress, to a atomic missle base.. to an alien research base/bunker (The cold war was an interesting time.)
This area is now technology blvd, and the facebook now sits on top of the dummy airstrip.
Chickenmoons t1_iugca8d wrote
VCU tried to pave a parking lot over the Devil’s Half Acre in the last 20 years.
Major cigarette corporations were headquartered here and used to give free cigarettes away to anyone including children on the street for free.
95 running through downtown was originally the Richmond/Petersburg Turnpike and was voted on multiple times by Richmond residents and voted down each time and ultimately still approved as a result of the State Legislature overruling those votes.
Opponents of school integration not only protested Brown vs. Board of education by organizing caravan protests from Richmond to D.C. to drive around and cause a ruckus but they also founded many of the private schools around town to prevent integration.
The Commonwealth Club used to not only be segregated but was also a restricted club (no Jewish members period or Women allowed beyond the foyer)
Edit: There’s also a book about ghost sightings by Capitol police officers. For example an entire balcony collapsed at the Capitol and killed lots of people.