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jay_ze OP t1_it5dmeg wrote

Work in progress. Let’s make this the authoritative list. Shout out to u/bigpappyj for the inspiration

Edit for visibility - anyone got pictures of:

sprocket(advance auto parts)

Annabelle(linden row)

mihos (wax moon) retired. Any info on the new store cat?

mouse(azalea aquarium)

Chili (pj petts)

Dezi (scrap rva)

Patty (Patrick Henry pub)

Toby (Garnett’s)

Rocket (Agecroft Hall)

Alice (Hollywood cemetery)

Chica (Eric Schindler gallery)

Maybe I’ll have to go on a pilgrimage..


LouieKablooie t1_it5e5hn wrote

These could be sold like maps in Hollywood where the stars live. Great work OP.


heraus t1_it5fy1o wrote

Bravo!! Love this


ansrcat t1_it5gatu wrote

Need these on a t-shirt!


Scat_Olympics t1_it5gbi9 wrote

The hero we don’t deserve. Well done!


AsstCurmudgeon t1_it5gpeq wrote

This makes me very happy. Thanks to the artist for their time, talent and generosity.


maplemabel t1_it5jcmu wrote

Haven’t been to The Answer in a minute, is Pholicia still around?


Disgrazzled-ar44771 t1_it5jjw3 wrote

There's a Shell Gas station on Ironbridge Rd, across from the county government buildings that has a cute little kitty. Not sure what it's name is, but love seeing the cute little kitty 🐈


MxCowCat t1_it5m05a wrote

Toby the black and white cat that hangs out at Garnett's!!


ideatanything t1_it5m4cl wrote

The Hill Cafe has a couple of cats that hang around!


rcb4d t1_it5nz48 wrote

RIP Pholecia


chairmanbrando t1_it5ouka wrote

I forgot about Toby. He meows like a smoker and lives next door, I think, but apparently knows folks'll pet him if he comes by Garnett's. I gave him some good scratches while I was waiting for my takeout and he tried to follow me inside. I was not aware of him following me and the door shut itself on him! Sorry, Toby!


t6t6t6t t1_it5p2e2 wrote

I am very much team WON TON


Court_of_Appeals t1_it5poj4 wrote

Annabelle is the hotel cat at linden row! I don’t have a pic but she’s a very cute tuxedo cat


Anianna t1_it5qcqj wrote

Is the cat in the used bookshop on Carry Street still around? It's been a while since I've been out that way.

Edit: Is that Chop Suey Books?


AWWWYEAHHHH t1_it5qum0 wrote

Wait where is Cricket that wears a bowtie near Chioccas?


alex_bvb t1_it5wfht wrote

Wow, thanks for this. I moved to the area a few months ago and didn't want to be the dumbass to ask which Lowe's was Francine's home


ptt2020kpl t1_it67sjt wrote

You are missing Sprocket! He’s at the W. broad advance auto parts (near Gaskins rd).


Monkeyexp7 t1_it68xfg wrote

Dont forget Chika, Tino's roommate!


r0llo_tomasi t1_it6r4jp wrote

Azalea Aquariums has a lovely cat named Mouse :D


SkyeCatt t1_it6ye74 wrote

This is the best RVA post, ever, and I have a new goal. Meeting these store cats is now one of my priorities!


slurpfast t1_it6zhxv wrote

[Mihos at Wax moon Records enters the chat]


thetiredorbit t1_it761vx wrote

Chili at PJ Petts pet supply store on Forest !


Seanaldss t1_it7s2b9 wrote

Pholicia getting stolen from the answer was one of the biggest heart breaks I’ve gone through. Sweet girl is probably still pissed she’s not getting all the love back there lol.


mordenumero1 t1_it7th3u wrote

I would like to nominate the sweet old cat at Azalea Aquariums. Its name might be mouse.


TripawdCorgi t1_it83s3q wrote

This post will have my vote for best post of 2022.


donkeybrains_frogkid t1_it88upy wrote

Cricket is such a cool cat! I may or may not have been to Sneed's a few times with no plans to buy anything.


drdeeznuts420 t1_it8w9mt wrote

Patty from Patrick Henry’s is the sweetest baby girl


bitch_tomboy t1_it9mvcg wrote

Aww, my girl Francine! I took care of her when I used to work there! She's still ony chewy account, lol


lunar_unit t1_it9o7b2 wrote

Schindler Gallery has another cat named Chica also.


connor8383 t1_it9tsxa wrote

Lewis and Clark are sick of our shit, look at that photo


p0lizei t1_it9z8e5 wrote

Best post on r/RVA made all year.


vabloom t1_itaco14 wrote

We love you for this!


MellowYellow816 t1_itbvol6 wrote

My mother is the manager of sneeds nursery... I showed her this list and she loves it! I'll make sure Cricket sees the list, but I can't guarantee that she won't attack you for not putting her higher on the list😄😄


jay_ze OP t1_itcr4no wrote

Oh no! Thanks for the heads up, I did see a picture of a black kitten named lunastella on their instagram, any idea if she’s the new manager?


spiirel t1_itfop9k wrote

I stop by every few weeks and haven’t seen any new cats but maybe! If you message them on IG they’ll reply. They’re active on there.