LouieKablooie t1_it5e5hn wrote
These could be sold like maps in Hollywood where the stars live. Great work OP.
PrinsassyEvieMongse t1_it5f0zu wrote
Build-A-National PokéDexy!
radialBlur_023 t1_it5fq3n wrote
There's an adorable black cat at Scrap rva! They post about him sometimes on their IG
Disastrous-Ad-7008 t1_it5fsst wrote
Sneaky bobcat inclusion!
radialBlur_023 t1_it5fw0d wrote
His name is Dezi, I didn't get the chance to meet him before I moved sadly
Scat_Olympics t1_it5gbi9 wrote
The hero we don’t deserve. Well done!
AsstCurmudgeon t1_it5gpeq wrote
This makes me very happy. Thanks to the artist for their time, talent and generosity.
maplemabel t1_it5jcmu wrote
Haven’t been to The Answer in a minute, is Pholicia still around?
Disgrazzled-ar44771 t1_it5jjw3 wrote
There's a Shell Gas station on Ironbridge Rd, across from the county government buildings that has a cute little kitty. Not sure what it's name is, but love seeing the cute little kitty 🐈
jay_ze OP t1_it5jodx wrote
Good find!
hipscrack t1_it5km5x wrote
^ NOT a post about her dying
chairmanbrando t1_it5l2gq wrote
Can I go pet Monty?
Busy-Statistician483 t1_it5lfwp wrote
I saw that too!
ideatanything t1_it5m4cl wrote
The Hill Cafe has a couple of cats that hang around!
iwearlederhosen t1_it5ncqr wrote
Makes me miss Pholicia from behind Mekong
FARTBOSS420 t1_it5oqrv wrote
Perhaps for a very short amount of time technically?
Monty is apparently a bobcat lol
chairmanbrando t1_it5ouka wrote
I forgot about Toby. He meows like a smoker and lives next door, I think, but apparently knows folks'll pet him if he comes by Garnett's. I gave him some good scratches while I was waiting for my takeout and he tried to follow me inside. I was not aware of him following me and the door shut itself on him! Sorry, Toby!
chairmanbrando t1_it5p14d wrote
I really want to pet and hug on a big cat -- presumably a cheetah since they're pretty chill.
Court_of_Appeals t1_it5poj4 wrote
Annabelle is the hotel cat at linden row! I don’t have a pic but she’s a very cute tuxedo cat
AWWWYEAHHHH t1_it5qum0 wrote
Wait where is Cricket that wears a bowtie near Chioccas?
Capella_SkyHawk t1_it5qyyw wrote
nateshoe91 t1_it5sww9 wrote
Yes, it's chop suey.
Anianna t1_it5t46y wrote
My memory is shot. I couldn't think of the name of it and that didn't sound familiar. My bad. WonTon's a cutie!
nateshoe91 t1_it5tneq wrote
No need to apologize! And I agree. A highlight of walking through carytown
on_my_phone_in_dc t1_it5vxae wrote
By jove this is a quality post.
No-Neighborhood9052 t1_it5xmwn wrote
Patty at Patrick Henry Pub!
ptt2020kpl t1_it67sjt wrote
You are missing Sprocket! He’s at the W. broad advance auto parts (near Gaskins rd).
Fawnadeer101 t1_it6850s wrote
These are the managers I see
dolphinitely t1_it68czi wrote
edgar and francine are my besties
Monkeyexp7 t1_it68xfg wrote
Dont forget Chika, Tino's roommate!
mewisme700 t1_it6avmj wrote
You forgot Sprocket at the Gaskins and Broad Advanced Auto!
sloppyharp t1_it6p1ma wrote
YES omg so cute! We watched them via cams at the Metro Zoo. National Zoo has cams with SOUND!
r0llo_tomasi t1_it6r4jp wrote
Azalea Aquariums has a lovely cat named Mouse :D
jay_ze OP t1_it6yl1e wrote
Oo I was unaware. I’ll be updating at some point - there are many more cats I’m finding out about!
CharacterOpening1924 t1_it70wp5 wrote
best post ever 🐈
MKrushelnisky t1_it71zer wrote
I love thisssss
NoRecommendation8634 t1_it75ifh wrote
Alice at Hollywood Cemetery!
thetiredorbit t1_it761vx wrote
Chili at PJ Petts pet supply store on Forest !
Spirited_Stick_5093 t1_it76bwc wrote
Omg Pholicia is an amazing name holy shit
Clbrosch t1_it76fyc wrote
Chili at PJ pets!
szai t1_it76sxu wrote
Love Mouse <3 she is a sassy fish lady.
jay_ze OP t1_it76v3c wrote
Good work! Thank you
jay_ze OP t1_it79hfu wrote
And a thank you to my wife for being a good sport about how I chose to spend my Thursday evening
Nothing2SeeHere4U t1_it7fju6 wrote
Someone posted about a cat at Boost Mobile a few weeks ago
RugbyScrummie09 t1_it7t9ki wrote
What about Midnight at Kings Dominion?
mordenumero1 t1_it7th3u wrote
I would like to nominate the sweet old cat at Azalea Aquariums. Its name might be mouse.
jay_ze OP t1_it7uxtr wrote
I found a picture of mouse, they’ll be featured in version 2
TripawdCorgi t1_it83s3q wrote
This post will have my vote for best post of 2022.
donkeybrains_frogkid t1_it88upy wrote
Cricket is such a cool cat! I may or may not have been to Sneed's a few times with no plans to buy anything.
Sure_Illustrator_456 t1_it89vpr wrote
Amazing! Wanna share, how can I credit you?
jay_ze OP t1_it8bw0s wrote
Share away! I’m just out here doing the lord’s(Francine’s) work. We’ve identified at least 8 other cats so I’ll do an update once I can get all the pics and then call it done
jay_ze OP t1_it8hkub wrote
I am but a humble servant of Francine
Gold_Actuary_ t1_it8oqld wrote
Noodle from Vape Shop in short pump
iMelancholyKid t1_it8pj51 wrote
warlock who hung around sheilds/Joe's inn but haven't seen since covid?
Fitz at Scuffletown Park
RufusDelgado t1_it8tdax wrote
Is it a black cat? I remember there was a friendly cat once when I went to Joe's inn and as I was leaving he snuck in the door and I was like oh well lol.
drdeeznuts420 t1_it8w9mt wrote
Patty from Patrick Henry’s is the sweetest baby girl
iMelancholyKid t1_it91zh5 wrote
yea, think think white toes
femanonette t1_it94ku8 wrote
Not a store obvs, but there's Alice at the Hollywood Cemetery!
jay_ze OP t1_it94yyl wrote
Nice! I just found your old post, can I use your picture?
femanonette t1_it95s7a wrote
Absolutely :)
jay_ze OP t1_it98c5w wrote
Amazing thank you!
bitch_tomboy t1_it9mvcg wrote
Aww, my girl Francine! I took care of her when I used to work there! She's still ony chewy account, lol
lunar_unit t1_it9o7b2 wrote
Schindler Gallery has another cat named Chica also.
jay_ze OP t1_it9p40j wrote
I am currently on the hunt for the elusive chica
lunar_unit t1_it9q9ob wrote
I know the owner of the gallery. She said she'd try to post a photo
jay_ze OP t1_it9qj7q wrote
Excellent! I’ve been mostly hunting on instagram
lunar_unit t1_it9r7it wrote
She sent me some photos of Chica. I uploaded them here:
jay_ze OP t1_it9sdot wrote
Wonderful! Thank you and thank the gallery
connor8383 t1_it9tsxa wrote
Lewis and Clark are sick of our shit, look at that photo
ashley_trace t1_it9v2r2 wrote
Beautifully done!
jay_ze OP t1_ita4f3s wrote
I finally found a picture of sprocket!
mewisme700 t1_ita4hko wrote
I should have linked my post to him haha
MellowYellow816 t1_itbvol6 wrote
My mother is the manager of sneeds nursery... I showed her this list and she loves it! I'll make sure Cricket sees the list, but I can't guarantee that she won't attack you for not putting her higher on the list😄😄
jay_ze OP t1_itc3sh3 wrote
Oh no! It really was in no particular order. But maybe I’ll bump her up for version 2
MellowYellow816 t1_itc5bfp wrote
Hahaha! Well we love the idea no matter what!
spiirel t1_itcqh8f wrote
I’ve got pics of Mihos but he retired!
spiirel t1_itcqncr wrote
He retired!
jay_ze OP t1_itcr4no wrote
Oh no! Thanks for the heads up, I did see a picture of a black kitten named lunastella on their instagram, any idea if she’s the new manager?
No-Neighborhood9052 t1_ite6817 wrote
Anyone know the name of the orange cat that roams Church Hill? I never knew if he was just a neighborhood cat or belonged to someone. I have photos if that's of interest.
spiirel t1_itfop9k wrote
I stop by every few weeks and haven’t seen any new cats but maybe! If you message them on IG they’ll reply. They’re active on there.
No-Resolution-4192 t1_itgqjlx wrote
omg my cat makes the list
No-Neighborhood9052 t1_itgw4r5 wrote
I'm told her name is Leelou! She hangs around Proper Pie sometimes!
iMelancholyKid t1_ithc7oa wrote
Fitz? Everyone loves him, hes tight with his attention and it's a treat when we randomly get selected to pet him. knows how to play us being hot and cold While also doing his own business
No-Resolution-4192 t1_ithfowo wrote my favorite picture of him for whoever wants to see it
lunar_unit t1_itm69z7 wrote
jay_ze OP t1_itmayn1 wrote
Haha too funny, I’m glad the businesses don’t seem to mind. I’m almost finished with the complete and updated list…
tastysnake667 t1_itqkdum wrote
jay_ze OP t1_itr7066 wrote
I suppose 6 is technically henrico but short pump is greater rva. It’s there on the map though
tastysnake667 t1_itr8r2g wrote
It’s a pleasing map, I just thought that was kinda funny
jay_ze OP t1_itr91k4 wrote
I’m almost done with an updated and more complete one, there are a couple more out on the west end
jay_ze OP t1_it5dmeg wrote
Work in progress. Let’s make this the authoritative list. Shout out to u/bigpappyj for the inspiration
Edit for visibility - anyone got pictures of:
sprocket(advance auto parts)Annabelle(linden row)
mihos (wax moon)retired. Any info on the new store cat?mouse(azalea aquarium)Chili (pj petts)Dezi (scrap rva)Patty (Patrick Henry pub)
Toby (Garnett’s)Rocket (Agecroft Hall)Alice (Hollywood cemetery)Chica (Eric Schindler gallery)Maybe I’ll have to go on a pilgrimage..