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The_Real_Captain_Mac t1_it4bxz5 wrote

Aladdin’s used to deliver food to my dorms & pick up cigarettes on the way..


Hedgecore138 t1_it4djec wrote

Aladdin Express's building is apparently up for sale right now! I am going to be so pissed off if they put another garbage fucking fast-casual chain into that block...


CptJaxxParrow t1_it6k57r wrote

Man I loved Aladdins. Every time I'd go in there he'd have something to talk about with me and share some traditional cultural food he had just made that wasn't on the menu that he wanted me to try while I waited to pick up my order


pchnboo t1_it8szdb wrote

It’s for sale for $3.5mm so the options just got slimmer 😞