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Kindly_Boysenberry_7 OP t1_iu72t64 wrote

You can't time the real estate market any more than you can time the stock market. Sorry to hear about the 2006 house purchase, but you probably got into new for around 3% for 30 years, which is amazing. So hopefully it all balanced out.


JeffRVA t1_iu74p6s wrote

We ended up at 2.875 and had it not been for a couple small material construction delays we probably could have gotten it slightly lower. We’ve done a few refi’s over the years on the other houses we’ve owned and while they were relatively easy I’m glad to not have to deal with that down the road either.


JeffRVA t1_iu75hah wrote

I’ve run the numbers for curiosity sake and our payment would have been roughly $700 more a month if we locked in at today’s rates. And that doesn’t factor in the higher price our builder is now charging for our model.