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Kindly_Boysenberry_7 OP t1_iua21zi wrote

Here's the pros/cons of selling now:

PROS: Less inventory available than there will be in Spring, especially in the entry level price ranges.

CONS: Not as many buyers due to the season, but also due to the interest rate rise. And that's compounded by the fact that first time buyers are the most sensitive to the impacts interest rate increases have on their buying power. It directly erodes their buying power.

That said, the Fed has already signaled they are going to increase interest rates again. So the problem is getting worse, not better. Yet another real estate saying: The best time to sell was yesterday, the next best time is today, and the worst time to sell is tomorrow.

My recommendation is do what you feel most comfortable with. Some of that may tie into how badly you want to get out of RVA. Know that rates are likely to increase again, and while we are predicting impacts, making our best informed guesses, they are just that. We unfortunately have no crystal ball.