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eziam t1_itnhqmx wrote

As a 18 year veteran teacher, I totally get it. RPS and the eastern end of Henrico is a shit show. I did almost decade (9 teachers) in a school on the east end and eventually got jaded. The shitty administration, shitty parents, and attitudes of the the majority of the students you were teaching just made the job unbearable.

I left 9 years ago to another school in the middle of Henrico that is mostly immigrant and refugee heavy(Afghan, Central American, Vietnamese) and it was a huge relief. The parents love the teachers (cultural since many immigrants view teaching as a higher profession) and the students love to learn. I truly love my job and the kids. Thankfully the principal leaves me totally alone (supports me and allows me to teach).


jellicle-eve t1_itprwtd wrote

It's so good to hear you found a good experience. A family member started teaching in Glen Allen area and I don't want to see them burn out

Also, yes my Latina mom instilled a strong belief in the power of education and "we came to this country for you to get an education". Free, safe education is a god send for many families <3