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Mother-Ad-8142 t1_iu46rjc wrote

A new Ethiopian restaurant called Buna Kurs just opened up next to Sugar and Salt in Jackson Ward. It's supeerrr good. The barista grinds her own spices for chai and makes her own concentrate. That with some steamed oat milk is perfect for a crisp fall morning. But don't get me started on the amazing food! 7 dollars and I got ketegna and the best chickpea salad I ever had! SUPER great portion sizes! Best priced lunch in RVA tbh. They are a cafe so I'm sure they have great coffee as well!


Kamesod t1_iu4qf1k wrote

>Buna Kurs

Oooohhh what a solid suggest that I will definitely be hitting on the way home today. Thx <3


darockerj t1_iu50d4h wrote

oh HELL yeah

always down for a new ethiopian place


Vapid_Ingenue t1_iu55oo2 wrote

You've convinced me. Going there tomorrow night


Mother-Ad-8142 t1_iu61t1p wrote

Woohoo! but be sure to check their hours- I think they may close kinda early since theyre a cafe


khuldrim t1_iu4csbj wrote

Do they make their injera bread with injera only?


Mother-Ad-8142 t1_iu620je wrote

Like teff flour only? Tbh I'm not sure. But it tasted like they used niter kibbeh on the outside but the regular injera probably doesnt have it.


khuldrim t1_iu679z4 wrote

Yeah I ask because the Nile is the only place that uses all teff flour, I have celiac disease so it’s nice that I can eat there safely,