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woodiedoo t1_iuduiq3 wrote

having the road closed for 7 hours it had to be an 18 wheeler surely?


wagonboss t1_iue7fxv wrote

From secondary collisions, there were well over 10 vehicles involved. Plus the re-creation team had to do their investigation.


princessofbeasts OP t1_iue81yz wrote

That’s crazy, I’d believe it. Apparently it happened around 3am and when I saw it it was around 8:45. I can only imagine how it looked hours before.


princessofbeasts OP t1_iudzjdt wrote

All I saw were multiple cars/suvs totaled and/or flipped. No sign of any wrecked 18 wheelers


gleepgloopgleepgloop t1_iufz7qj wrote

That's what I saw at 7:45 a.m. definitely looked gnarly. Not surprised someone was killed, I'm sorry to hear it.