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danadane1419 t1_iuy49zp wrote

I normally get mine at farmers market like Bryan park on Saturday. I am in support of smaller farms and quality so for $5 a dozen I feel that’s fair


Ms-Pamplemousse t1_iuz474d wrote

I'd even call the $6 that some farms charge fair. Quality, local produce is the way.


bkemp1984Part2 t1_iv0sdwc wrote

Right, not only are the costs higher for the small time farmers but the places whose eggs cost 20 cents a piece are probably getting paid awful wages.

AND, you might know but for anyone who doesn't, chickens raised more naturally have eggs that are healthier for us by several markers (less cholesterol and saturated fat and more of vitamins, omega-3s, etc.) They haven't really found a taste different in blind tests but once cooked they def. look way prettier on a plate with the deep color of yolk.


goodsam2 t1_iuzhvr2 wrote

Wow that makes me realize I was getting a deal. Over the summer at azalea flea market there was a guy selling eggs. I think it was $3 for a dozen but he hasn't been there for a month.

The cheapest local produce was at Azalea flea market.