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shalomfromus t1_iy9frw9 wrote

Everybody’s calling everybody else, complaining about the new forest hill sheetz. It’s tying up the signal.


Gamblingaddictama t1_iya34q1 wrote

I can’t get any Verizon service downtown. Been like this for months imo


PayneTrainSG t1_iya4ix8 wrote

Some Verizon towers in the region are just straight up bricked. I've hit places in the middle of the cit y and dutch gap where I've got all the bars and can't do shit.


ithinkimaybe t1_iya5wz2 wrote

They were working on Verizon towers in downtown around 3rd street


latesaturate t1_iya5zy3 wrote

It’s been bad all over the city for me for at least six months now. Wish they’d cut my bill in half for giving me half the service.


thesedaysarepacked t1_iya8a1h wrote

It’s weak everywhere for me. It seems like it’s always on LTE.


veganlandfill t1_iyb372z wrote

I spent three hours on the phone with Verizon tech support mere weeks ago about this same and other issues so you don't have to. The long short of it is that if you have Verizon service or use a service that has Verizon backbone, call and complain about the service to as many tiers of support you can stand. They will tell you it's your phone case, they will tell you it is your outdated phone that you bought last week, they will tell you you are at a low elevation, they will tell you that the layers of paint that hold your house on grace street together are too much for the signal density required to provide reliable cell service. They will then try and convince you that you must change your router into a base station and always have your phone service be supplemented by WiFi. These are various levels of accurate mixed with fuck right off. Call and complain. Call and complain. Call and complain. The metrics that are generated are the only way to expedite the studies that lead to coverage upgrades. Fuck Verizon. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Holy buckets I hate Verizon.


_sarten t1_iyb4t02 wrote

I am in Oregon Hill and have one bar of signal on Verizon and is on a tower at VCU. My US Cellular phone that uses the Verizon network has four bars and is on a tower a block and a half away in a church stepal. No one at Verizon has ever been able to explain why.