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Impossible_Bill_2834 t1_ixeysdd wrote

I have always had a great experience at Target Willow Lawn with Dr. Gates. He has a "separate" office door to the left of the main entrance, he is not actually in the store. I had one not so great experience at Grove Eye Care, but that was three years ago and I never went back after that, maybe someone who is a long term patient there has a better perspective.


Unlikely-Order9918 t1_ixf2np9 wrote

Patterson Eye Clinic. Even after moving pretty far away I go there. Pretty quick and I have never had to wait.


allowatt t1_ixf40e0 wrote

Check out Grove Eye Care, they’re really fantastic and close to the fan. Dr. Parsons is awesome.


100835 t1_ixf4qi7 wrote

I second Grove Eye. I see Dr. Levy now cause I like him the most but I've been seen by all of them over 15 years. Really great, thorough exam then I get my contacts and glasses from 1-800-contacts and glasses from Zenni with the prescription from Grove Eye.


Herownself t1_ixf9rtz wrote

Dr. Vikili at RVA Eye care in the LIBBIE/BROAD mall (near Target). He's young and friendly and very competent.


Charlesinrichmond t1_ixhhthp wrote

not near fan, but Dr. Hong by costco on broad is excellent


Lidjungle t1_ixi0lmc wrote

I also use Grove Eye Care and have been for 20 years. Great folks, amazing service. They don't even hassle you for wanting to order from Zenni or Warby Parker.


jbcoll04 t1_ixkcp4a wrote

Dr Neidigh at Grove Eye is great and not that far from the fan