Submitted by t3_z0492a in rva

Looking for exactly what it says in the title. We moved up from Texas a few months ago. Getting to be time for my regular checkup and wondering if anyone who uses this sub sees a cardiologist that they really like and recommend. Thanks in advance and have a great day



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t1_ix3j60m wrote

Dr Samuel Wu and Dr Vipal Sabharwal are great Cardiologists. Both with Bon Secours.


t1_ix3kou2 wrote

Mother-in-law has been very happy with Dr Ellenbogen. Complex case that he has expertly managed.


t1_ix3rza5 wrote

Dr Maheshwari is amazing. He listens, does investigations and referrals when he can’t find answers.


OP t1_ix3saow wrote

Thanks! I’ll look him up. I definitely need a listener cause I’m a talker 😂. I know these people know more than I do and I trust their expertise but I do still need to talk it out a little and I’ve had a few doctors in the past who are too abrupt for me (maybe great for someone else, of course)


t1_ix3smp6 wrote

We sound a lot alike so I would be shocked if you didn’t like him! I had some strange symptoms that no one could figure out and he went through all of it with me, even my probably off the wall non medical person ideas 🤣 also, his office staff are the best in the city. THE BEST. Good luck! Welcome to RVA.


t1_ix3tj51 wrote

Ellenbogen really is the best but you’ll need a referral to see him (which Maheshwari will for sure do). I saw him and his team for two years (recently cleared and released 🙌🏻) but I love them all. I wish you luck and good health.


OP t1_ix3tvwo wrote

Thanks! The same to you, and congrats on clearance. I’ve been dealing with dumb cardio stuff since I was 20 and only last year at 35 got cleared to stop taking medicine and just switch to annual checkups. This is the first one since going off everything so hoping everything holds but feeling really nervous about setting it up and finding out


t1_ix928lb wrote

I just started going to Dr. Christine Browning at James River Cardiology, the end of October. She came highly recommended by a friend who is a PA and I absolutely LOVE her!