Submitted by TheCheeseDevil t3_z1sk52 in rva
progressiveinva69 t1_ixctso3 wrote
Good News: Only working today and tomorrow
Bad News: Life sucks. All alone for Thanksgiving. Good friend (who I dated earlier this year) is dating other people. Tearing me up. Finally over my divorce and ready to date and the one person I love is dating other people. I value their friendship as I don't have many in this world. However, It is looking like I will have to cut myself off from this person completely. The thought of them seeing anyone else is too painful. Honestly wish I was working the holiday just to distract myself from my own feelings and emotions.
progressiveinva69 t1_ixczhu4 wrote
Who would downvote and not reply? Like, this local person is going through a shitty time. Have a downvote. FML.
BurkeyTurger t1_ixd11pd wrote
Don't take it personally, there are a couple people in the sub who just downvote everything.
Sorry for what you're having to deal with.
TheCheeseDevil OP t1_ixd4huy wrote
AMA request: the jerk who does this apparently every day to folks just shootin the shit
progressiveinva69 t1_ixd6qwt wrote
cassanovadaga t1_ixd2sz9 wrote
As someone who’s spent almost every holiday season alone for the last 5+ years, the best advice I have for you is to treat it like a self-care day. Make or get your favorite food, take a long bath, get outside for a bit. I know everyone always says “there are other fish in the sea” or whatever, but let yourself take the time to process and move on. It’s okay that you’re upset. Just don’t let yourself wallow too long - there are cool people out there! I hope you start feeling better soon 💜
progressiveinva69 t1_ixd6auz wrote
Plan is to cook a from scratch baked ziti, watch football (Both the American and international kinds), Imbibe in some 420 and play a ton of God of War: Ragnorok on the PS5 this week.
theguru1974 t1_ixeo3s9 wrote
If you're a gamer and on Facebook, look up RVA Meet and Geek, a group me and a couple friends run. We get together socially with like minded people and plan local events. Could be a good distraction for you.
cassanovadaga t1_ixhf77w wrote
That ziti sounds great! I’m considering finding somewhere to grab a drink tomorrow, feel free to reach out if you don’t get sucked into God of War too hard 😂 although a pasta and gaming night sounds like the move
progressiveinva69 t1_ixd4ho2 wrote
It's rough one. But I need some space.
rattylight t1_ixd24n9 wrote
I'm sorry. That's terrible and life does indeed suck sometimes. But with that said, I'm proud of you for having the courage and emotional boundaries to separate yourself from this person if their presence is not good for your mental health. Hopefully they understand if you were to communicate to them why you can't be around them for a while, and perhaps if/when the dust has settled, you can reconvene your friendship.
progressiveinva69 t1_ixd4q7i wrote
We shall see. It's really painful now. I know time and distance will help. Maybe not cutting off entirely. But the days of deep talks and hanging out 1 on 1 may be over for a bit. I love her too much to want to make her dating journey uncomfortable.
progressiveinva69 t1_ixd4wph wrote
Whether that is a romantic love or a deep platonic friendship love, is a cause of much mental confusion. Seems like a little column A and a little column B. Hoping Column B outweighs the other with time and distance.
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