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big65 t1_ixvijud wrote

Dude, if the dancers are giving happy endings I am not trusting his claims.


Daseshofficial_ t1_ixvjyb2 wrote

🤷🏿‍♂️ I mean it's still best to use protection I wouldn't care what anyone says lol

I'm telling you.

If your pockets right and your game tight Little willy can get wet that night 🤷🏿‍♂️😂


big65 t1_ixvmqcv wrote

No thanks, I'll pass on that type of Russian roulette.


Daseshofficial_ t1_ixw9vhi wrote

Are you sure🧐


big65 t1_ixwh2cx wrote

Yeah, I'm very particular about who I have good time with and I have never met a stable "dancer" yet and few that were healthy.


Daseshofficial_ t1_ixwop3o wrote

Depends on what you consider healthy

I’m pretty sure all these ladies binge eat and do nose candy


big65 t1_ixwou6i wrote

Before they get hooked or bad boob jobs.


Daseshofficial_ t1_ixwptl4 wrote

There’s def a few BBLS here

The location near Fayetteville would probably be your cup of tea

however that location attracts a different kind of crowd as well

yt people so entry fee is slightly higher and the females are. Too bougie you’ll have more fun at the hood location 😂


big65 t1_ixwq9eq wrote

Na I'm past that point in life, I have an incredible woman in my life that no dancer could ever cast a shadow on.


rva-fantom t1_iy0h68j wrote

This was the weirdest hard sell of a random strip club on the internet I’ve ever seen… this feels like a 10yr old kid trying to be cool or something. Fucking wild.