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t1_ivl5t5r wrote

I have a pretty heavy case of existential dread.


t1_ivl5pt3 wrote

Random respiratory virus came thru our house. Not covid or the flu. Cough and congestion low grade fever. Persistent cough.


t1_ivl6m57 wrote

Sounds like RSV which is pummeling the country at the moment. Also dealing with a lingering cough.

Feel better !


t1_ivl8c5w wrote

Got it and still have it. The 1200mg Mucinex is saving my life.


t1_ivle8y8 wrote

Oh Lordy. The 1200 made me feel slightly…drunk? I felt a little out of it and not in control. It did however clear my chest well enough to be light as a feather. I’m probably sticking to regular strength mucinex.


t1_ivle9ql wrote

Just came out of a week+ of this. Tested at the clinic, no strep/flu/COVID. Doc said it was something viral and that she has had like 40 cases come through in a day. I myself know 3 other people who caught the same thing I did


t1_ivlhs45 wrote

Same here, also not RSV. Kids are over it now but we are now in thick of it. Took a walk today and got worse so now I wonder if I actually have allergies? I don't know


t1_ivmg94d wrote

Had that shit too. Started with a congestion headache day 1, then body aches day 2-3, days 4-10 coughing. Was so annoying. Low grade Vicks formula cough medicine did nothing.


t1_ivlg1jt wrote

Similar here, was diagnosed with bronchitis. 11 days deep so far, 2 days on steroids and z pack, hoping I kick this soon.


t1_ivp0lod wrote

had that. Children are distribution it around Richmond. Not that sick but felt like ass, would not recommend


t1_ivq0wqe wrote

Same same! Along with about a week and a half after recovery getting a 24 hour stomach bug that was gross and terrible. Not food poisoning. We all ate the same things and I was the only one sick with it.


t1_ivlbcq0 wrote

I already commented but also depression from not winning the Powerball and my 4 day weekend ending.


t1_ivlcqxo wrote

Well if you ask all my unmasked coworkers and clients with deep, hacking, phlegmy coughs they all just have "allergies". Hope you feel better soon!


t1_ivliqlm wrote

Allergies are ALWAYS the fallback answer.


t1_ivlm3kj wrote

> Allergies are ALWAYS the fallback answer.

In my defense. I have tested and I'm pretty much allergic to everything in the Richmond area. It also doesn't help that central VA is like home to easterly winds that sweep down upon the mountains (filled with trees no less!) and bring that pollen unto said central VA.


t1_ivm8rq8 wrote

Same. And I’m out of one of my meds! So my occasional sneeze really is (probably) allergies.


t1_ivlaar4 wrote

Dropsy, consumption, scrivener’s palsy, and hysteria. Anyone have a recommendation for a bloodletter?


t1_ivlgnvt wrote

For all you know you could be bilious and phlegmatic!


t1_ivldx9c wrote

Mild/moderate anhedonia.

Family had some respiratory bug but tested negative for Flu, COVID, & RSV.


t1_ivll4od wrote

Anhedonia is a nightmare until you wrap your mind around it. A lot more manageable when I can accept I won't enjoy anything I do and just face it. Instead of frantically trying to "fill the void" and getting frustrated and despair.

Sorry you're dealing with it. It was an impossible feeling to describe to loved ones around me who just couldn't understand why I was in such an awful mood at times. It's like tryin to drink water and having it turn to sand.


t1_ivls7qk wrote

Hey I really appreciate it, thankfully/not thankfully it is also a known quantity for me in the sense that it isn't really unfamiliar and I can keep up an ok facade at work.

For me it is a thing that seems to annually accompany seasonal depression mixing with regular depression but this year I've been doing the opposite of dealing with it well e.g. overeating, not exercising, not taking vitamin D, drinking heavier, binging passive media till the early AM, etc. Things that give you a brief brain reward but are gone just as quick.

I will say it is always frustrating to recognize you're going about things the wrong way but not have the internal motivation/executive function to actually address it.


t1_ivmg0oh wrote

I feel ya, the seasonal stuff gets me as well. It's like you're brain just hits a wall and everything else keeps flying forward.

The best way I've heard it described is that you're "perceiving life, instead of experiencing it". I get disassociated but I've gotten better at recognizing when I'm in that weird un-real feeling. The depersonalization that comes with it, at least for me.

You're last paragraph def hits home. And touches on that quote above for me. It's like having a constant argument with your self while you sit in the middle just sorta staring at the wall. I find speed/heavy metal or thrash helps work me up! Anger, even manufactured with music, is an easy emotion to slide into to help jump start my brain into motion. If that makes sense.

Like DIO! 🤟


t1_ivmv4xn wrote

Correct on all counts.

The music stuff totally makes sense. I personally go for high BPM vocaloid, industrial, or something like The Acacia Strain.


t1_ivm6ccb wrote

I've been there since about 2017. Happily everyone in my house is snot-free at the moment. I've been checking the clock to see if it's shower time since 6pm 😐


t1_ivl62kw wrote




t1_ivlkflt wrote

Bless anyone that can keep a straight face mere inches away from Will Ferrell staring at you in character like that lmao.


t1_ivv7wnj wrote

Chris Parnell

edit: I just looked at his IMDB page, holy cow. That dude keeps busy. Very talented SNL cast member IMO.


t1_ivlacib wrote

Cabin fever. I need to get out of the house and interact with other humans tonight. This work from home stuff is getting to me.


t1_ivle7sr wrote

I've been exclusively wfh since 2014. That "moon" thing has become painfully bright.


t1_ivlfnd3 wrote

Three coworkers popped up with covid recently, and multiple other coworkers just had bad cases of diarrhea over the past 2 weeks


t1_ivltdby wrote

COVID that started on Halloween. My sense of smell is coming back so all that's left is an annoying cough. I left double-masked to go vote though, which was a relief, just seeing something other than the inside of my apartment. The CDC guidelines changed again where it's apparently cool to go out after day 6 if you're heavily masked, but it still feels very odd to me, so other than voting I'm staying put till day 10. It's my first time catching it after 2 and a half years!

I work from home but most of my team is also in Richmond and half of them have been out this week with some illness or other. My mom and sister both have colds, but not COVID. It's bad out there y'all!


t1_ivmss43 wrote

I tested positive for covid yesterday and it’s also my first time. Yesterday wasn’t too bad. I woke up with a slightly sore throat and low fever, but I made it through most of the work day (from home). It has been rough today though. 103° fever and so many body aches.


t1_ivmtdw1 wrote

Yeesh, I'm sorry you're going through it! Hopefully your work lets you take time if you need it, I was very lucky in that regard. Keep up your fluids and make a list of movies to watch once your fever breaks and you're still stuck at home. I hope your senses of smell and taste comes back as quickly as mine did so you can enjoy Thanksgiving!


t1_ivmvw2h wrote

Thanks! I actually haven’t lost taste or smell. And luckily I can take the time off work.


t1_ivls5w5 wrote

I (25) currently have shingles- no fever but some body aches and of course a wicked back rash. Got put on acyclovir yesterday so 🤞🤞🤞


t1_ivm15sy wrote

I had shingles, and that drug. I wanted to tell the pharmacist “it’s shingles, not genital herpes!” The drug is used for both and I’m sure the assumption for anyone not middle aged is that it’s not shingles.


t1_ivmdf9c wrote

I had shingles this summer. You have my sympathy. That shit sucked.


t1_ivnkby9 wrote

Omg. I’m old enough for the shingles vaccine but haven’t gotten it yet. It’s on my to-do list. Thanks for the reminder.


t1_ivpky8c wrote

Do it. I had an outbreak at 51, thankfully mild but it still sucked.


t1_ivo7b4o wrote

I have literally never heard of someone under 60 getting shingles. What’s up with that? Should we all be getting our shingles vaccines?


t1_ivplxwi wrote

You may not know that many people in their 40s and 50s then.

It happens, but it’s a numbers game like a lot of things in preventative health. Just get your shots when they recommend. I think the guidelines still say to start at 50. Me and a friend were in no hurry and both had outbreaks at 51.


t1_ivpsbkq wrote

I had shingles when I was 28 and it was such a bummer. Keep it moisturized and it should heal up nicely- I have no scars! And frozen pea bags help too!!


t1_ivl9vqo wrote

Covid. First time, and I got the booster about a month ago. fortunately mild and on the run.


t1_ivlb2ya wrote

My daughter has something that gave her a 102+ temp, cough, and stomachache. Not sure what variety of bug but not COVID.


t1_ivm2ghu wrote

Yup. We had it here too. My son was at 104 before it finally broke. He passed it to me and shit is no joke. Hope your daughter is feeling better.


t1_ivleg8w wrote

I've seen a lot of people over the last couple of weeks online posting about being sick as hell.


t1_ivm96w4 wrote

The flu is running rampant right now.

And even with medicine and the flu shot it hits like a truck this year.


t1_ivlg6hs wrote

My kids had a respiratory something: persistent cough and mild fevers, lasting for ~1 week.

I caught a 24-hour bug over the weekend. Initially I assumed it was the same as the kids, but the symptoms and duration are different: GI issues, alternating fever/chills, headache/body aches.


t1_ivm5bd1 wrote

I had what you had, came on late the weekend before last and lasted for about two days. Tested negative for all the big stuff, still don’t know what it was. It was really strange. Like I didn’t feel super “sick” sick, just incredibly fatigued and then the other same symptoms as you. Wish I knew what it was.


t1_ivlyrol wrote

No idea but been sneezing all day (and I rarely sneeze) and nose is runny 😂

No other symptoms so maybe its nothing and will pass.


t1_ivlcc25 wrote

We just finished up isolating for Covid. I got emails from daycare yesterday about strep and flu in the classroom, so we’re gearing up for a fun holiday season.


t1_ivlk4ql wrote

Just got covid tested, waiting for my results. Everything tastes weird and I'm sneezing, but otherwise feeling great


t1_ivlwq8g wrote

COVID made foods taste extra salty to me and made wine taste awful


t1_ivltt5h wrote

Reaction to Covid booster. Logey, body aches, and fever.


t1_ivm3htx wrote

I felt so awful after my booster...fever of 102 and headache that wouldn't respond to painkillers, muscle aches, and nausea/vomiting. I had covid in the winter and the booster felt worse. Thankfully I was right as rain in 24 hours.


t1_ivli18n wrote

My girlfriend works in childcare, so idk what we caught but we caught something


t1_ivlr22i wrote

My partner had symptoms and positive Covid test last Wednesday. She’s been pretty sick. I have been safe somehow though we live in a small place 🤞🏼


t1_ivmljl2 wrote

Girlfriend and I are both on day 17 of what feels like a long lingering cold - not Covid, no fever, just a little congestion and swollen/sore throat. We both had days here and there where we felt 100% fine, but it was always back the next morning


t1_ivlbhwe wrote

Also had/have Type A flu running through our house. While covid was not great, the flu was absolutely awful. Very high fevers and a vicious cough that is lingering almost three weeks later. Mucinex became our best friend along. Hydration is key. I wish you all the best. It was a really rough ride.


t1_ivnwb0r wrote

Whole household was sick for a month with RSV. Picked up from someone who works in state government, where it’s been running rampant, along with Covid. Thank God they’ve been opening all meetings with Christian prayers! It’s definitely made a difference in people in state gov getting Covid and RSV.


t1_ivmnv4f wrote

On a tolerance break, so I'm very irritable and my brain is too functional. Need lobotomy.


t1_ivmpzsw wrote

My fiancée had covid last week (second time) and I never got it. I get paid hourly and have no sick days or PTO left… so I’m feeling grateful.


t1_ivn14ex wrote

Unfortunately tested positive for COVID last week. Managed to avoid it for 2.5 years. Thankfully it only lasted about 5 days, and Im pretty much back to 100%


t1_ivlcfhh wrote

Kid also has the flu. The rest of us have so far been spared.


t1_ivlia4j wrote

Knock on wood we are in the clear. Kid 1 went away to college a few months ago and has been sick more often than when I sent her to daycare. Covid, stomach virus and then upper respiratory something or other (negative for flu and Covid that time)


t1_ivmnfqe wrote

Just waterfalls of mucus draining down my throat, despite taking Allegra and nasonex every damn day. Sick of this.


t1_ivmvv8f wrote

IDK but I've had a persistent cough that changes between dry and productive, chest discomfort, loss of appetite, and I had several dizzy spells today. I want to say bronchitis but whatever it is, I'm sick of it.


t1_ivmflx3 wrote

Had Covid a few weeks ago and now my kid has the flu


t1_ivmg9q8 wrote

I got bit or stung by something two days ago that fucked my leg up. Extreme itchiness, muscle pain, throbbing, and feels like my leg is on fire sometimes. I have no idea wtf it is.


t1_ivpr5i7 wrote

Benadryl and pepcid is what I was told at the ER after being stung on the foot. Baking soda paste helps the sting


t1_ivmkcy2 wrote

just had type A flu as well, it was a bitch


t1_ivmpt6p wrote

Some sort of cold (or maybe RSV? Covid test was negative). Sore throat, congestion, sneezing, cough which has lingered. Tired as hell. The congestion was really bad but I got an oxymetazoline nose spray and it's incredible.


t1_ivmtwkx wrote

Something cold like that’s not Covid. Started as a cold and seems to mutate through stages. Has gone one for over a week. Super tired, worst cough of my life, mild fever for most of it, some headaches.


t1_ivn5rv4 wrote


Managed to avoid it until now, but it’s proving as miserable as people said it would be.

Fever, sore throat, headache and short of breath. I’m also stuffed up and starting to cough. At least I have the ability to take a week off so I can be miserable without also trying to be a productive adult.


t1_ivouelf wrote

I suffer from Sallie Mae-itis, the only cure is lots of money, which is typical for anything regarding the American healthcare system


t1_ivltodx wrote

Pretty sure my teenagers have Flu or 24 hour bug. I’m trying to not get sick myself. Whole house hasn’t been sleeping that great. At least they didn’t miss school.


t1_ivmcn0v wrote

I’ve got three of the most amazing human Petri dishes , four and under. Pretty sure I’ve had “something” for about six months now.


t1_ivmuffz wrote

Just started coughing today with some chest congestion, kid sick with cough and runny nose after just having gotten past the last round of cough and runny nose two weeks ago. Ugh RSV on my mind.


t1_ivmxd0p wrote

Really bad cough, congestion, and body aches. I’m on day 6. It’s not covid. I swear the kids just carry germs into the house and hand them to me. They rarely get sick, but here I am again…sick.


t1_ivndxbb wrote

Had a fever for almost 5 days now. Bad cough. Diarrhea. Vomiting. Sore throat. Congestion. Covid negative and flu negative. I had pink eye last week (caught from my lovely toddler) and the doctor I saw at Patient First said it could be a very bad variation of that. The best they could tell me is it's a viral infection.


t1_ivnk0ay wrote

My high school kid has Covid. Our family’s first experience with this virus. He’s doing ok (vaccinated, except for the last booster…).


t1_ivo8erx wrote

My soil is so dry and dusty right now that gardening yesterday left me with a mild cough


t1_ivp0iqu wrote

nothing currently. But I had that miserable flu like thing that was going around several weeks ago. Cannot recommend


t1_ivp9jtl wrote

Clostridium perfringens food poisoning ugh. Don’t eat at the Panera on broad next to the ups store in glen Allen 😩


t1_ivv8j7k wrote

Nothing. My coworkers keep going down with this and that I just keep plugging away. I feel like I deserve a bonus for not taking a single sick day in the last 3 years.