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popeboyQ t1_ixyvu8o wrote

Hey thanks!

I've got extra robes. Nicest ones from all types of hotels.


ZephyrInfernum t1_ixz2wlo wrote

Aww shiz! Which hotel has the best robes (so far)?


popeboyQ t1_ixz337n wrote

The Princess in Scottsdale, AZ. Holy shit, it's like draping yourself in a cloud.


ZephyrInfernum t1_ixz3upd wrote

Oh, I've been there! Didn't try the robes, but.

That being said, you couldn't pay me to go back to Phoenix or the surrounding valley cities. I moved back here for a reason.

You travel out that way, much?


popeboyQ t1_ixz43hn wrote

I lived out there until recently. An old friend used to work there, hooked me up on sweet cheap stays.

I'm so happy to be out of "The Valley of the Sun". That shit melted my brain.


ZephyrInfernum t1_ixzab2p wrote

My man.

I couldn't stand how unintelligent folks were out there. That state has some of the worst education standards and it shows. The other thing I couldn't stand was how superficial it all was. Los Angeles Lite


popeboyQ t1_ixzakl9 wrote

Exactly! And now the rent prices are comparable to LA.

AZ can lick my blow-hole.


FeralCheshireKitten t1_ixzyfw4 wrote

Do they sell and ship these? I've been struggling with a christmas gift for hubby. He could definitely use a new robe though!